34 Leisure Centre at Moor Lane (MINUTE EXB 35 refers) PDF 99 KB
Executive Board considered the attached report.
RECOMMENDED: That Council make a change to the Capital Programme in order to finance the development of a Leisure Centre at Moor Lane, Widnes.
Additional documents:
The Council considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, on the development of a leisure centre at Moor Lane, Widnes.
RESOLVED: That Council make a change to the Capital Programme in order to finance the development of a leisure centre at Moor Lane, Widnes.
35 Leisure Centre at Moor Lane PDF 99 KB
Additional documents:
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise,
Community and Resources, on the development of a leisure centre at Moor Lane,
Members were reminded that in September 2018, the Board had given
Officers authority to explore funding sources to finance a replacement leisure
centre for the current facility located at Kingsway, Widnes. Further
feasibility work was undertaken by Wates, under the Scape Major Works UK
framework which ensured it was OJEU compliant.
The report set out details of three options for Members to consider.
These were set out as routes which the Council could take to commission the
construction of the facilities. It was noted that further information on the
proposed design and use of a future leisure centre were contained in Appendix
1, attached to the report.
1) Council
be recommended to make a change to the Capital Programme in order to finance
the development of a leisure centre at Moor Lane, Widnes;
2) Executive
Board delegates the delivery of the project to the Operational Director,
Economy, Enterprise and Property and the Operational Director, Communities, in
consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Physical Environment and Community
and Sport; and
3) the
Board be provided with a further progress report in six month’s