Issue - meetings

Approve a strategy and funding approach for the installation and maintenance of alleygates.

Meeting: 07/12/2006 - Executive Board (Item 62)

62 Alleygates pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community regarding the scheme for installing alley gates across the Borough and the financial implications of maintaining them.


            It was noted that the gating of rear entries had proved to be a very successful crime prevention measure, contributing to a reduction of burglaries, criminal damage, graffiti, vandalism, anti-social behaviour and fly tipping. A survey carried out by Mott MacDonald in 2003 had also demonstrated that the gates had had a positive effect on the perceptions of residents in relation to crime. Each householder affected by the gate had a key to it, and access for refuse collection and emergency services was guaranteed.


            The Board was advised that, from what started as a pilot scheme, alley gates had become a major project and there was therefore a need to review the managerial and financial arrangements for their installation and maintenance to ensure that they were sustainable. A number of operational processes were outlined for consideration.


            The Board considered:


  • the need for Area Forum involvement, despite the delay this sometimes caused;
  • the need for the installation of gates to continue whilst the review was ongoing;
  • timing of the review, which was expected to commence prior to Christmas with a further report submitted to the Board by March 2007;
  • membership of the review panel – it was agreed that Councillors Wright and Nelson, the relevant Portfolio Holders, should be involved, as well as a representative from the Community Safety team.




(1)       the approach to the:


(a)              management of alley gates as set out in paragraph 4.0 of the report; and


(b)              financial management of alley gates as set out in paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 of the report


be endorsed; and


(2)       the process and procedures for considering, providing and maintaining alley gates be reviewed to ensure the process and procedures meet best practice, are timely and cost efficient.