Issue - meetings

Astmoor Regeneration Programme

Meeting: 11/11/2020 - Council (Item 7)

7 Astmoor Regeneration Programme (Minute EXB 17 refers) pdf icon PDF 178 KB

Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That Council approve


1)    the Masterplan and Delivery Strategy for Astmoor;


2)    a variation to the capital programme of £1.5m to cover the costs as outlined in section 6 of the report; and


3)    the extension to the Discretionary Business Rates Scheme of one year to March 2025




            The Council considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, on the Astmoor Regeneration Programme.


            RESOLVED: That Council approve


1)    the Masterplan and Delivery Strategy for Astmoor ;


2)    a variation to the capital programme of £1.5m to cover the costs as outlined in section 6 of the report; and


3)    the extension to the Discretionary Business Rates Scheme of one year to March 2025.

Meeting: 17/09/2020 - Executive Board (Item 17)

17 Astmoor Regeneration Programme pdf icon PDF 178 KB


The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, which presented the Astmoor 5-year Regeneration Masterplan and Delivery Strategy and recommended it for adoption.


It was noted that in March 2017, Executive Board approved the Mersey Gateway Regeneration Plan Plus (MGRPP), as a way of prioritising resources in respect of the Council’s physical and economic regeneration activity.  Focussed on eight Regeneration Impact Areas, the Plan set out a cohesive package of development opportunities and identified the key infrastructure and enabling projects needed to complement and support the Borough’s economic growth.  The Plan identified the former new town industrial estate of Astmoor as one of the eight Regeneration Impact Areas. 


Following this an Astmoor Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) was produced to steer the development and implementation of a comprehensive regeneration programme for the area; this was approved by Executive Board in June 2018.  Appended to the report was the Astmoor Funding Profile 2020.


The report provided Members with detailed information on:


·         the consultation events in March 2019;

·         the Discretionary Business Rates Scheme;

·         the aims and objectives of the Masterplan and Delivery Strategy;

·         progress to date and the next steps;

·         the relocation of inappropriate uses on the estate;

·         the greening of Astmoor; and

·         the way forward.


RESOLVED:  That Executive Board


1)    adopts the Masterplan and Delivery Strategy for Astmoor;


2)    recommends to full Council a variation to the capital programme of £1.5m to cover the costs as outlined in Section 6 of the report; and


3)    approves the extension to the Discretionary Business Rates Scheme of one year to March 2025.