Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement 2018/19

Meeting: 18/11/2020 - Audit and Governance Board (Item 14)

14 Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which sought approval of the revised 2018/19 Annual Governance Statement (AGS).


The Board was reminded that at its meeting on 24 July 2019, the 2018/19 AGS had been presented, with a further updated version presented to the Board on 24th February 2020. The delay in the completion of the external audit of the 2018/19 statement of accounts had necessitated that the document be updated again. This ensured that the AGS was current at the time of the approval of the 2018/19 statement of accounts.


Once approved the AGS would be signed by the Council Leader and Chief Executive and published on the Council’s website.


            RESOLVED: That the updated Annual Governance Statement be approved.