Issue - meetings

Pavement Licence Policy

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Executive Board (Item 19)

19 Pavement Licence Policy pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, which presented the Pavement Licence Policy and recommended its adoption as a formal policy of the Council.


Members were advised that in order to support economic recovery and encourage vibrant town centres, a policy was proposed to support Pavement Cafes.  The policy would guide those wishing to offer pavement café seating and table service.  It was important however, that a balance is struck to maintain the needs of other street users and ensure travel was unobstructed.  Therefore, the policy would require a minimum of 1500mm free space between the furniture and the edge of the footpath.


The report outlined details of the pavement licence and how it would be used by the authority and a business that had applies for one.  The Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board considered the pavement licence proposal at its meeting on 23 June 2021 and recommended the approval and adoption of the policy (appended to the report) by the Executive Board.


RESOLVED:  That the policy set out in Appendix A be adopted as a formal policy of the Borough Council.