Issue - meetings

One Halton Update

Meeting: 28/09/2021 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 14)

14 One Halton Update pdf icon PDF 130 KB


The Board considered a paper from the Strategic Director – People and the Chief Commissioner, NHS Halton CCG.  The report provided a position statement in relation to (a) One Halton and the development of the One Halton Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and (b), the development of Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership as an Integrated Care System (ICS).


The report also included latest information and relevant updates in relation to the White Paper and considered any impact for Halton.


It was reported that since the publication of this report, some progress had been made and the formal governance structure and legal framework was now in place; these updates would be included in a report for the next Board meeting in November.   Comments made by the Chair were noted and it was confirmed that Halton would not see any reductions in services, no additional costs and there would be no cuts to budgets resulting from the ICP or the ICS.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.