26 HMI Inspectorate of Probation Report of Cheshire Youth Justice Service PDF 76 KB
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The Board considered a report which shared the findings of an inspection of the Cheshire Youth Justice Service (CYJS), led by HM Inspectorate of Probation.
Members were advised that the CYJS provided the statutory services for children and young people who were at risk of offending or had committed offences. CYJS is a partnership of Halton, Warrington, Cheshire East and Cheshire West Local Authorities (LA); Cheshire Police; Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner; the respective clinical commissioning groups in each LA area; HM Court and Tribunal Service (HMCTS); and the National Probation Service.
The CYJS was subjected to a joint inspection led by HM Probation Inspectorate and supported by Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire Services in July 2021.
Members received the findings of the inspection, the full report was published in December 2021; this was appended to the report. In summary, the overall judgement was that CYJS was good, with three outstanding areas and one area for improvement. An action plan to address four recommendations that were made would be approved by the Youth Justice Management Board in December, who would monitor its progress.
Members’ welcomed the inspection report, the good working practice around keeping people safe and joint working with social workers. It was noted that to date, Cheshire YJS had the highest overall rating score nationally for a joint inspection.
1) the report be noted; and
2) the Board thanks the staff, partners, children and young people and their families; and volunteers for their contribution.