56 Capital Strategy 2022-23 (EXB 70 refers) PDF 155 KB
Executive Board considered the attached report.
RECOMMENDED: That Council be recommended to approve the 2022/23 Capital Strategy, as presented in the Appendix.
The Council considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, on the Council’s Capital Strategy for 2022/23.
Members noted that the Capital Strategy should be read in conjunction with the Treasury Management Statement, also considered at this meeting. The successful delivery of the Capital Strategy would assist the Council in planning and funding its capital expenditure over the next three years.
RESOLVED: That Council approve the 2022/23 Capital Strategy, as presented in the Appendix attached to the report.
70 Capital Strategy 2022-23 PDF 155 KB
The Board considered a report of the Operational Director – Finance, on
the Council’s Capital Strategy for 2022/23.
It was reported
that all councils were required to produce a Capital Strategy annually, the aim
of which was to ensure that the Council understood the overall long-term policy
objectives and resulting capital strategy requirements, governance procedures
and risk appetite.
Members were
advised that the Capital Strategy should be read in conjunction with the
Treasury Management Strategy Statement, included on the same agenda; this detailed
the expected activities of the treasury management function and incorporated
the Annual Investment Strategy (AIS) and the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP)
policy for 2022/23. It was noted that the successful delivery of the Capital
Strategy would assist the Council in planning and funding its capital
expenditure over the next three years.
Council be recommended to approve the 2022/23
Capital Strategy, as presented
in the Appendix attached to the report.