Issue - meetings

Receipt of Petition - to Replace Existing Bus Shelter with Conventional Type Shelter

Meeting: 22/06/2022 - Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board (Item 6)

6 Receipt of Petition - to Replace Existing Bus Shelter with Conventional Type Shelter pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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            The Board considered a report of the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, which provided information on the petition received from residents of Norton requesting that the existing bus shelter located at the Gooseberry Lane bus stop on the Busway be replaced with a more conventional style bus shelter. The petition was signed by 26 bus users. The existing shelter offered limited protection due to its design.


            Following complaints of anti-social behaviour from residents in close proximity to the bus stop, the existing shelter replaced a conventional type shelter in approximately 2010. However, it was noted that the most recent figures (April 21 to March 22) show anti-social behaviour to be at an average level of 5.9 incidents per month across the Norton North Ward. In addition, the corresponding bus stop on the opposite side of the road had a conventional type bus shelter installed with no reports of anti-social behaviour taking place.


            Councillor Logan addressed the Board in support of the petitioners.


            RESOLVED: That


1.    the petition be noted;


2.    the request to remove the existing shelter and replace with a new conventional type be approved; and


3.    the local Ward members be informed of the outcome of the Board’s consideration of the petition.