Issue - meetings

Corporate Accident/Incident Report 1.4.22-31.8.22

Meeting: 01/11/2022 - Corporate Policy and Performance Board (Item 19)

19 Corporate Accident/Incident Report 1.4.22-31.8.22 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


The Board was provided with a report from the Operational Director, Policy, Planning & Transportation, on the performance of health and safety management within the Authority from 1 April 2022 to 31 August 2022.


The report highlighted health and safety incidents that had taken place over the past 4 months and as a result of those incidents proposed actions for the future. In addition, the report included information around the number of actual near misses, accidents that had resulted in over 7 day absences, together with significant accidents. 


The report also highlighted the following key points:


·       following the pandemic, an expected rise in accidents and violent incidents could occur as services were returning to their pre-pandemic status and this would show over the next 6 months;


·       registered users for lone working had decreased from the same period as last year whilst actual usage had increased.  The decrease could be attributed to the pandemic and homeworking.  Monitoring was now in place to encourage relevant staff to the system; 


·       there had been an increase in figures for risk assessments completed on the Corporate Risk Assessment system; and


·       work on maintaining appropriate bomb and lockdown procedures in Council buildings was ongoing, with a number of exercises planned. 


          RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted including the recommendations and actions for 2022/23.