Issue - meetings

Receipt of Petition – Potential Withdrawal of 62 Bus Service (Monday to Friday)

Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board (Item 13)

13 Receipt of Petition – Potential Withdrawal of 62 Bus Service (Monday to Friday) pdf icon PDF 69 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which provided information on the petition received following the bus operator giving notice to withdraw the No. 62 bus service. A commercial decision was taken by the bus operator to withdraw the 62 Service due to it operating at a loss and therefore no longer commercially viable.  The Council currently provided a level of public funding subsidy towards the operating costs under a “de minimis” arrangement. 


          A tender exercise to identify the cost to maintain the service had been carried out, however, the level of subsidy required by potential new operators was unsustainable by the Council given the budget position.


          The Board was advised that since the publication of the agenda, the Council had carried out a further tender exercise with alternative bus operators to provide the service going forward. The Council recognised that the loss of the No.62 would leave Moore without a bus service as there were no close alternative bus routes. Following this exercise, Ashcroft Travel had been awarded a contract to provide the service. Ashcroft Travel would provide a similar timetable, starting on Monday 25 September.


          It was noted that at a time of significant pressure on budgets, and the small amount of funding to support bus routes already being oversubscribed, it was fortunate that the Mersey Gateway Sustainable Travel Fund was able to provide the funding required to retain the No.62 service for the time being. It was hoped this would allow time for the route to re-establish itself on a commercial footing.


          The Council would monitor usage of the service operated by Ashcroft Travel and would work with the operator to encourage increased passenger usage. It was vital that people used this service to ensure its viability.


          RESOLVED: That in accordance with the Council Constitution, the petition be received by the Board.