Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy 2023-26

Meeting: 20/02/2024 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 41)

41 Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy 2023-26 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

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The Board was presented with the Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy for Care and Support 2023 – 2026.


  The Commissioning Strategy for Care and Support outlined the Council’s commissioning intentions over the next three years, which would aim to support residents and unpaid carers and their families, to have access to the right services, information, advice and guidance in order to make good decisions about the care and support they needed.


It was stated that ten Commissioning Principles had been identified which would underpin the work being done; a commissioning cycle framework had been established; several Commissioning Priorities/Intentions had been set and an associated Delivery Plan was in place. 


The report outlined the Commissioning Intentions, which had been categorized into 6 priorities, to provide focus in aiming to support the key challenges locally and to adhere to those duties required under the Care Act 2014.


Priority 4 Housing was highlighted by Members who queried whether the Council was working with Halton Housing Trust (HHT).  It was reported that a piece of work was currently underway regarding the Housing Strategy and adults and older people with special needs, such as learning disabilities and autism, formed a part of this.   The Council did work with HHT in relation to this group and the ‘own front door’ model was an aspiration for them.  It was recognised that a mix of care and support models would be needed for an aging population that was also living longer.


RESOLVED: That the report and appendix be noted.