Issue - meetings

Serious Violence Duty

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 5)

5 Serious Violence Duty pdf icon PDF 212 KB


          Cheshire Constabulary and Cheshire Probation delivered a joint presentation to Members of the Board which provided an update on the work undertaken in the approach to Serious Violence Duty.


Serious Violence Duty became a statutory requirement as of 31st January 2023.  The Crime and Disorder Act 1998, had been amended to include the priority for Community Safety Partnerships and placed a duty on a range of organisations to work together to have a strategy for preventing and reducing serious violence.  The Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) Office had co-ordinated this work across Cheshire and developed a strategic needs assessment and strategy.  Additional funding to support this area of work was also managed through the PCC Office who had commissioned services in responding to this area of work.


The presentation highlighted:


·       the Duty requirements;

·       the Pan Cheshire approach;

·       Cheshire’s profile;

·       long-term priorities and immediate actions;

·       how impact and changes would be measured; and

·       a summary of the current activity.


Also included in the presentation was a summary of the Serious Violence Delivery Plan 2024/25 and it was noted that a lot of work had been undertaken to understand the issues across Cheshire.  Several working groups had been established to identify and analyse the strategic needs assessment and priorities; a five year strategy and a ”plan on a page” for 2024-25 had also been developed.


The following additional information was noted, in response to Member’s questions and discussions: 


·       Queensberry was an alternative educational provision which offered support to young people and their families through direct one-to-one intervention and group workshops.  They aim to educate and raise awareness of the issues that affect communities and support those at the highest risk of involvement in serious violence or exploitation;

·       All schools in Halton had been contacted by Queensberry;

·       Queensberry receive referrals from professionals e.g. teachers, social workers etc.;

·       Members gave examples of issues within their respective wards and were reassured that Halton was linked in with the various agencies and offers that were available within the programme;

·       Members suggested that it might be helpful to present a report on the Queensberry provision to the Children, Young People and Families PPB and/or Council; and

·       Members would be provided with a progress update in 12 months-time. 


          RESOLVED:  That Members receive the presentation.