Issue - meetings

Transformation Programme Board

Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 15)

15 Transformation Programme Board pdf icon PDF 248 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Corporate Director – Chief Executive’s Delivery Unit, which outlined a proposed model for a Transformation Programme Board, using Working Party principles. The Council’s Transformation Programme started on 1 April 2023, and it had grown in both scope and complexity. The Programme would be in place until 31 March 2026.


          It was proposed that given the operation of the Transformation Programme would require more intensive governance between now and March 2026, a dedicated Transformation Programme Board would need to be established. The Board would:


·       consist of the ten Executive Members of the Council, appointed as a Working Party;

·       make recommendations to Executive Board as and when necessary; and

·       receive recommendations from Policy and Performance Board Topic Groups as part of the Council's scrutiny arrangements pertaining to Re-imagine Halton Transformation projects.




1)    the report is noted;


2)    the establishment of a Transformation Programme Board be approved;


3)    a Working Party consisting of the ten Executive Members be appointed to form the Transformation Programme Board, and make recommendations to the Executive Board, as required; and


4)    the Board agrees to request and evaluate progress update reports from other Council Boards and Committees, on current and planned policy development work related to transformation project activity.