Issue - meetings

Kingsway Quarter, Widnes Town Centre

Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Executive Board (Item 18)

18 Kingsway Quarter, Widnes Town Centre - Key decision pdf icon PDF 594 KB


          The Board considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment and Regeneration, which sought agreement to progress delivery of Kingsway Quarter development. This included capital funding to undertake the demolition of Kingsway Leisure Centre, following its relocation to the new Halton Leisure Centre in 2025.


          The Kingsway Quarter was identified as a priority development and a map of the site with an approximate site boundary was attached as Appendix A to the report. Architects had been commissioned to undertake a feasibility study and engage with Planning and Highways, and a series of technical survey and viability appraisals were also being undertaken. It was noted that this predevelopment work had been jointly funded by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and would be used to inform site marketing and disposal and prepare a ‘Development Framework’.


          In order to expediate the site’s redevelopment, it was proposed that delegated responsibility should be delegated to the Director of Economy, Enterprise and Property, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and the Climate Change Portfolio, for site marketing and disposal on the basis of residential led development.


Reason(s) for Decision


The demolition work will result in significant expenditure by the Council.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


For the demolition and site clearance to proceed as soon as the site is vacated, to ensure that the risk of ASB is minimised, the work needed to be commissioned now. A key requirement is a bat survey which can only be carried out at specific times of the year when bats are active between May and September but ideally completed by end of August. Any delay risks ASB in the building following its decommissioning and ultimately a delay in the site being offered to market.


Implementation Date


A bat survey work needed to be commissioned mid-July to ensure timescales are met.


          RESOLVED: That the Board


1)    recommend Council adjust the Capital Programme for the sum of £750,000.00 to enable demolition of Kingsway Leisure Centre and associated preparation works to aid formal land disposal;


2)    endorse the vision for Kingsway Quarter site for residential led development, as set out in para 3.6 and in accordance with the wider Widnes Town Centre Strategy;


3)    approves delegated authority to Director of Economy, Enterprise and Property in consultation with Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, for site marketing and disposal; and


4)    authorises the Director for Economy, Enterprise and Property to arrange for all required documentation for the transactions to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services.