14 Children's Social Care Update PDF 206 KB
The Board received a presentation on the progress made in the areas identified by OFSTED as areas for improvement, including workforce stability.
The Board was advised of the Council’s strengths and responses to these, and the key findings and action taken to date.
Members scrutinised the responses given and offered challenge on areas where progress measures and financial implications were identified and the following information was provided:
· Previously, embedding a systemic model of social work practice had been hindered by previous staff instability and high rates of agency staff. Some staff who had been trained on systemic models had moved on to other local authorities. Halton would have this practice in place in the future;
· Agency staff numbers were at 41% so were slowly reducing. Recruitment challenges were still being faced with competition from neighbouring authorities;
Despite the number of agency workers, a
reduction in costs was being made due to having a fixed pay rate, which was not
the case previously;
· Following challenge, assurance was given and an explanation provided on the processes and procedures in place for supervision of children placed out of Borough, including the Post 16 cohort and care leavers;
· Detail and explanation was provided on the creation of a new ‘Edge of Care’ Service, and the rationale behind this decision. This included benefits to families and children, as well as cost saving through prevention of children coming into care;
· Following the establishment of an additional post, the new Principal Social Worker would be starting in September. They would support practice improvements further. This role brought with it the opportunity to be part of the social workers network which Halton has not had before;
· Some specific social worker posts in Halton were fixed term contracts; and
· The new Connect2Halton recruitment service would be used going forward to recruit temporary staff when required. In the long term, this would reduce costs for the Council.
Officers provided updates and statistical information on the use of the Family Hubs in Halton since they opened. A further update would be provided at a future meeting of the Board.
RESOLVED: That the presentation is noted.