Issue - meetings

Children's Service Improvement Programme Funding - Workforce Stabilisation

Meeting: 24/10/2024 - Executive Board (Item 47)

Children's Service Improvement Programme Funding - Workforce Stabilisation - key decision


          The report considered a report of the Executive Director – Children’s Services which provided an update on the progress to develop a programme around the stabilisation and redesign of Children’s Social Care following the Inspection Local Authority Children’s Service in May 2024 and subsequent report in July. The aim of the redesign was to develop and implement transformation of the system in a sustainable manner.


          A detailed business case around each element of the programme funding request was presented and the report sought Board approval to proceed with the requested investment.


Reason(s) for Decision


The decision to take this approach is based on:

1.     Supporting the ambitions of the Corporate Plan

2.     Delivering the ambitions and vision of the Children & Young Peoples plan

3.     Transforming the Children’s Services system to an early intervention and prevention system whilst addressing the financial sustainability of the local system,

4.     Doing the right things for the children and families at Halton

5.     And ensuring the right support is available at the right time.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Work has already begun through the transformation programme to stabilise and transform Children’s Services.  It had identified requirements and work is in progress.


The pace and impact is severely hampered due to time, cost and resource constraints across the council, not just in Children’s Services.


Progress is being made but not at the scale and pace required to improve services in the manner and pace required by the inspecting bodies.


It was decided early on that to not invest is not an option due to the potential additional impacts/ramifications financially, operationally and reputationally for the Council, and most of all the pace and change needed for the children, young people and their families of Halton.


Implementation Date


Should approval be given on by the Executive Board on 24th October 2024 then the Implementation programme will commence following the completion of the call-in period, from 1st November 2024.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    Council be asked to approve the investment as defined in the report for improvement programme funding; and


2)    delegated authority to approve the expenditure of the programme budget is given to the Executive Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the lead member for Children and Young People.