77 Waste Management Update PDF 232 KB
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The Board considered a report of the Executive Director Environment and Regeneration, that provided an update on the progress in developing Plans and Strategies in relation to the collection and recycling of Halton’s waste.
At a previous meeting of the Board held on 16 March 2023, Members approved the principles set out in a LCR Zero Waste 2040 Strategic Framework to reduce waste related carbon emissions (Minute EXB94 refers). A Zero Waste Strategy had now been developed for the LCR and a copy was attached at Appendix 1. The Board was requested to endorse the draft strategy document and were advised that a final branded version would be produced.
Members were also advised that from 1 April 2026, all Councils across England would be legally required to offer a food waste collection service to all households in their area. The service must be provided on a weekly basis, be separate and preferably treated by anaerobic digestion. Attached to the report attached as Appendix 2 was a report produced by a specialist waste management consultancy who were appointed by the LCR Waste Partnership to develop a Strategy to meet the requirements for a food waste collection.
The report also sought approval to support the principals of, in the longer term, the purchase of green gas powered vehicles to collect the food waste. Liverpool City Region Waste Partnership would explore this approach further. In June 2024 DEFRA allocated capital monies to Council’s to fund the vehicle and caddy purchasing requirement for food waste collection. Halton was allocated £1.019m. Procurement was now at an advanced stage and approval was sought to purchase the vehicles and caddies.
The Board noted that in January 2024, DEFRA announced that revenue resource transitional funding would be provided to Waste Collection Authorities from the 2024/25 financial year to implement the weekly food waste collection. Further allocations would be provided in 2026. The allocations to Halton were not known at this stage.
A further report would be brought to the Board on the proposals for the processing/treatment of collected food waste.
RESOLVED: That the Board
1) endorse the Zero Waste Strategy for the Liverpool City Region (attached as Appendix 1);
2) give delegated authority to the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Board Member for Environment and Urban Renewal, to agree the final branded version of the Zero Waste Strategy for the Liverpool City Region;
3) support a proposal to transition to a circular food waste system for the Liverpool City Region by:
i. Supporting the principles of local circularity and green powered vehicles over the longer term
ii. acknowledging the high level business case to support such an approach
iii. endorsing the further exploration of this approach by the Liverpool City Region Waste Partnership; and
4) approve the capital spend associated with the procurement of food waste receptacles and collection vehicles using monies allocated to the Council by DEFRA for that purpose.