91 Halton Local Development Scheme (LDS) PDF 243 KB
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In December 2024, the deputy Prime Minister wrote to all Local Planning Authorities requesting an updated Local Development Scheme (LDS) be sent to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) by 6 March 2025. The LDS informs work which was required to maintain a Local Plan, in line with National Policy.
The Board considered a request to delegate powers to the Director for Planning and Transport, in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Environment and Urban Renewal and Climate Change, to make editorial changes to the Local Development Scheme work plan prior to submission to the (MHCLG).
RESOLVED: That the Board
1) note the report;
2) approve the schedule of work within the LDS; and
3) give delegated powers to the Director of Planning and Transport, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Urban Renewal, for the final approval before submission on the 6 March 2025.