88 Discretionary Non-Domestic Rate Relief Renewals PDF 275 KB
The Board received a report from the Director – Finance, which advised that under the amended provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, the Council was able to grant discretionary rate relief to any business ratepayer. The report requested consideration be given for the renewal of discretionary business rate relief for existing registered charities, not for profit organisations, and community amateur sports clubs who continued to satisfy the appropriate criteria.
The report outlined details of proposed changes to discretionary rate relief for these organisations. The Council currently granted discretionary business rate relief to organisations for a three-year period, and it was recommended that this practice would continue in order to provide the organisations with certainty to assist with their financial planning.
The Council was required to provide the organisations with twelve months’ notice of any changes to their discretionary rate relief. Therefore, if approved the renewals will apply from 1 April 2026.
business rate relief of 10% be granted for those registered charities and CASC
organisations currently in receipt of such relief, for the period of three
years commencing 1 April 2026, as listed in the Appendix; and
business rate relief of 75% be granted for those not-for-profit organisations
currently in receipt of such relief (with 60% relief for one organisation as
indicated), for the period of three years commencing 1 April 2026, as listed in
the Appendix.