Issue - meetings

Approval of the Council's updated Municipal Waste Management Strategy

Meeting: 20/03/2008 - Executive Board (Item 107)

107 Municipal Waste Management Strategy - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment seeking adoption of an updated Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Halton following a recent public consultation exercise.


It was noted that this exercise had taken place between 17th December 2000 and 27th January 2008. During this period the draft strategy was made available on the Council’s website, at prominent Council buildings, and circulated to all elected Members. Responses were received from both members of the public and elected Members and were generally supportive of the updated Strategy. The main comments received were summarised within the report.


Individuals who had provided comments had been responded to and these responses were again outlined within the report.


It was advised that, following the consultation, no significant changes had been made and it was now proposed that Members approve the updated Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Halton. This would be a headline document that would continue to guide the Council’s actions and inform the future decision-making process. The aims, objectives and targets contained within the Strategy would be achieved through the delivery of services and initiatives contained within a number of supporting documents including a Waste Action Plan and Waste Prevention Strategy.


It was advised that Waste Prevention was a vital element of the Council’s Waste Strategy and, while successful initiatives had already been introduced, more needed to be done to reduce the levels of waste produced in Halton. Accordingly, it was proposed that additional resources be provided to support the existing efforts and further promote waste reduction, and that a Waste Prevention Strategy for Halton be presented to Members for consideration in April 2008.


Reason for Decision


In order to work in partnership with the Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA), there was a need for Halton to update its current Waste Management Strategy. Notwithstanding this requirement, there  was also a need to ensure that the Council’s Strategy Document remained fit for purpose.


Alternative Options considered and rejected


The options that had been considered, and led to a decision to update the Council’s current strategy, were detailed in previous reports presented to the Executive Board.


Implementation Date


Implementation was expected by May 2008.


RESOLVED: That the Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Halton be adopted.