Issue - meetings

Castlefields Village Square

Meeting: 05/03/2008 - Council (Item 78)

78 Executive Board - 21st February 2008 - Castlefields Village Square pdf icon PDF 125 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That up to a maximum of £3.9m be included within the Council’s capital programme to be invested in the delivery of the Castlefields programme, including the Village Square project, funded from future land receipts.


            The Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy and the Strategic Director – Environment advising of a change in English Partnerships’ funding position and seeking approval for the Council to utilise part of the capital receipts from the disposal of Council owned land at Castlefields to support the development of the proposed Castlefields Village Square.


            RESOLVED: That up to a maximum of £3.9m be included within the Council’s capital programme to be invested in the delivery of the Castlefields programme, including the Village Square project, funded from future land receipts.

Meeting: 21/02/2008 - Executive Board (Item 96)

96 Castlefields Village Square pdf icon PDF 125 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy, and the Strategic Director – Environment, advising of a change in English Partnership’s (EP’s) funding position, seeking approval for the Council to utilise part of the capital receipts from the disposal of Council-owned land at Castlefields to support the development of the proposed Castlefields Village Square.


It was noted that EP, who was leading on the project, had been working with CDS Housing (CDS) and their agents to develop scheme proposals for the Village Square. EP was to provide funding to CDS for the demolition of the existing centre, enabling works, public realms works and abnormal costs, to ensure the scheme was deliverable. The costs associated with this were £3.9m.


These costs had been known for some time and EP had stated its intention to bid for additional internal resources to support the scheme. However, EP’s position had now changed and it was no longer in a position to bid for additional funding. Consequently, EP had now proposed that it provide gap funding for the Canal Quarter Project if Halton agree to re-cycle part of its future land receipts from Castlefields to support the Village Square.


This EP decision had left a funding gap, which it was proposed was filled by utilising a proportion of the receipts secured from the sale of Lakeside and Canalside as outlined within the report. It was estimated that the net receipts would exceed the public realm and enhancement works. The Board was advised that the Lakeside and Canalside sites were subject to clawback by EP. This was subject to negotiation but was not expected to exceed the balance of any receipts.




(1)       the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy be authorised to commence marketing and sale of the housing sites in the Council’s ownership as shown in Appendix 1 of the report;


(2)       the Council be recommended to include up to a maximum of £3.9m within the Council’s capital programme to be invested in the delivery of the Castlefields programme, including the Village Square project, funded from future land receipts;


(3)            authority be given to the Strategic Director – Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director - Corporate and Policy, and the Operational Director and Monitoring Officer (Legal, Organisational Development and Human Resources), to enter into a development agreement and ancillary agreements with CDS Housing and English Partnerships in relation to the development of the Castlefields Village Square; and


(4)            authority be given to the Strategic Director –  Environment, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal, to take such other actions as may be necessary to implement the development of the Castlefields Village Square and the Castlefields Masterplan.