Issue - meetings

Decision on the Statutory Consultation to close Fairfield High School and expand Wade Deacon High School

Meeting: 19/05/2008 - Executive Board (Item 2)

2 Decision on the Statutory Consultation to close Fairfield High School and expand Wade Deacon High School - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People summarising the responses to the Statutory Consultation on the closure of Fairfield High School and the expansion of Wade Deacon High School, outlining the background, statutory consultation undertaken, financial implications and the decision making process.


In addition, a further report was tabled at the meeting. It was reported that this report had been considered in detail by the Cross Party Members Advisory Working Group on 15th May 2008.  The report detailed the rationale for the proposal, identified who had been consulted, the response to the consultation and the issues raised, it provided a summary of previous consultations, transitional arrangements and the reasons, factors and criteria which needed consideration prior to a decision on the proposal.


It was reported that the Cross Party Members Advisory Group had been unanimous in their support for the closure of Fairfield High School due to declining pupil numbers and the expansion of Wade Deacon, which was a successful and popular school. The Group also supported the encouragement of both schools to collaborate quickly prior to the establishment of a hard federation.


The Board received a further update in respect of the overall position covering:


·    the Academy proposal and the position regarding potential sites, sponsors and the size of the post 16 provision being 200 planned pupil places;

·    the Grange, where the schools were currently consulting on the proposals to establish a hard federation;

·    The Bankfield;

·    The Heath;

·            Chestnut Lodge and Ashley Schools; and

·            meeting with Partnership for Schools in respect of the Council’s projected pupil numbers – it was advised that the Partnership was in agreement with the Council's pupil numbers and the methodology used.


The Statutory Consultation that had been undertaken, outlined in Appendix A to the tabled report, was described in detail to the Board. In particular, the Board noted that only thirteen of the responses received had disagreed with the proposal to close Fairfield High School.


Appendix C within this document outlined a summary of objections. Appendix D provided outlined the summary of responses to the proposal to expand Wade Deacon High School.  Appendix E and F detailed all the key issues raised in writing by the respondents to the consultation.  Members were provided with a summary of all the questions and detailed answers to each issue raised were considered by the Board.  This information was included in the separate report Appendix B and included information on school size, pupil projections, class size, traffic and safety, use of site, extended and community use, choice, culture, shared sports, admissions, funding, governing body, improvements, site assessment and communication.


In particular, it was noted that the Department for Children, Skills and Families (DCSF) and OFSTED Inspections of schools did not support the assertion that larger schools meant lower standards of behaviour. It was reported that there were benefits to having larger schools in terms of enhanced facilities and funding and that a model of smaller units or “schools within school”  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2