Issue - meetings

Approval of the Primary School Capital Strategy

Meeting: 05/06/2008 - Executive Board (Item 11)

11 Primary Capital Programme - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 38 KB


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which provided an outline of the draft Primary Strategy for Change that had been developed as part of the Primary Capital Programme. 


The capital investment programme required approval by Council, however as the DCSF deadline required schools projects which would be undertaken within the first two years to be named by 16th June 2008 the Board was asked to approve the schools programme for the purposes of the DCSF submission.  Full Council would then be asked to ratify the projects at their July meeting.


The aim of the Primary Capital Programme was to ensure primary schools play a lead role in the heart of their communities, through offering local services, providing a 21st century learning environment particularly in ICT, development of world class standards and promoting personalisation, flexibility, diversity and choice.


The Primary Strategy for Change for Halton had been developed following consultation with primary schools, Diocesan colleagues and a range of other partners.  Three dedicated sessions on had been held with Primary Headteachers and an Extended Services Working Group had met to consider opportunities for local and extended services to be offered through primary schools.  Chairs of Governors and Halton Association of Governors had been consulted along with colleagues from other Departments across the Council such as Environment and Health and Community.


A draft of the Primary Strategy for Change had been circulated to the headteachers of all nursery, infant, junior and primary schools including the primary special school.  It had also been sent out to all secondary headteachers and secondary special headteachers.  Chairs of Primary Governors had been sent copies and the draft had also been placed on the pages of the Governors Website.  Copies had also been sent to the Diocese of Shrewsbury, Diocese of Chester, Liverpool Diocese and Liverpool Archdiocese for final comments.  The document had been placed on both the intranet and internet and sent to Departments across the Council for their information and comment.  In addition, each member of the Alliance Board had been sent a draft copy. The draft Primary Strategy for Change had now been reviewed and revised in light of the comments received following the consultation. It had been re-issued and had the endorsement of each Diocesan Authority and the schools.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)        the Primary Strategy for Change be approved; and


(2)    the building projects prioritised for 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 be approved for the purpose of the submission to the DCSF and that Full Council be requested to ratify the projects at its next meeting in July 2008.