13 Local Area Agreement (LAA): Final Endorsement - KEY DECISION PDF 29 KB
Additional documents:
The Board received
a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy which provided the
latest draft of Halton’s new Local Area Agreement for endorsement and sign off
on behalf of Halton Borough Council.
A Local Area
Agreement was a 3-year protocol that set out the priorities for a local area.
This must be agreed between central government and the area itself, as
represented by the lead local authority and other key partners through Local
Strategic Partnership. Halton had had in place an Agreement since April 2007.
However, part of the new Local Government Act, Communities and Local Government
(CLG) announced that the current framework of Local Area Agreements would be
replaced with new Local Area Agreements from 2008. The timetable dictated that
Ministers must sign off the final version by June 2008.
At the
Executive Board meeting on 10th April 2008, members were provided
with a report on the LAA, outlining the structure and process for development.
Partners in Halton had been working in recent months to produce a new LAA
document in line with Government requirements. The “Story of place” and initial
draft outcomes framework was agreed by Executive Board in April. Since then, a
series of negotiation meetings have been held with Government.
At the core of the LAA was the outcomes
framework. This had been the focus of the negotiation process with GONW. At
annex A was the current draft. It was noted that the list of designated
indicators stands at 32 in total, plus the 16 mandatory children and young
people indicators. This was the final list which had been agreed with
In addition it was ntoed that the
emerging LAA was founded on Halton’s current Community Strategy, and clearly
follows the reasoning and rationale adopted in our current LAA. At its core was
the need to agree an outcomes framework that describes local aspirations and would
act as a framework for future action.
The Board noted that the
Government Office had asked for targets in respect of recycling which were
higher than those which, on advice from consultants, had been objectively set
in the Council's Waste Strategy.
(1) endorse the LAA on behalf of Halton
Borough Council (Annex A)
and approve it for sign off by Ministers; and
(2) Delegate
authority to the Strategic Director Corporate and Policy,
to make any final amendments following continuing dialogue
with GONW.