Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Thursday, 15th January, 2009 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Lynn Cairns on 0151 471 7529 or e-mail 

No. Item




The Minutes of the meeting held on 18th December 2008, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and agreed as a correct record.



OFSTED Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of Services to Children and Young People in Halton - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People regarding the outcome of the statutory Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of Children’s Services in Halton undertaken by OFSTED. The APA had been published on 17th December 2008 and was attached to the report at Appendix 1 for Members’ information. The APA drew on evidence from fieldwork undertaken by OFSTED including School Inspections; the Joint Area Review conducted in 2008; the Children and Young People’s Plan; and other inspectorates’ findings, along with the Council’s own self-assessment.


The assessment had graded the Council in seven key areas ranging from 4 (outstanding) to 1 (inadequate). The gradings that the Council had received were outlined for the Board’s consideration together with the findings of the inspectors in relation to:


  • being healthy;
  • staying safe;
  • enjoying and achieving;
  • making a positive contribution;
  • achieving economic well-being; and
  • capacity to improve/service management.


In conclusion, Halton’s performance had been particularly impressive in that four grades of “outstanding” had been achieved in Safeguarding; Enjoying and Achieving; Making a Positive Contribution; and Capacity to Improve. The Board noted that Halton was the only Council in the North West to achieve this. However, given recent events of Haringey and specifically the circumstances surrounding the death of Baby P, it was noted that the Council continued to develop its services ensuring that they remained fit for purpose, particularly in the field of child protection. With this in mind, at the request of the Chief Executive, work was underway to review services for vulnerable children and young people and their families and how the Council continued to best meet their needs and a report was to be submitted to the Executive Board with recommendations for further improvements in working practices in due course.


It was noted that the Strategic Director – Children and Young People and the Children and Young People Portfolio Holder were also accountable for some services that they did not directly run, such as those impacting on children and young people’s mortality rates. In relation to this, the Board was advised that the Primary Care Trust had agreed to carry out all its commissioning within the framework of the Children’s Trust that Councillor McInerney chaired.


The Portfolio Holder, Members and relevant staff were thanked for their hard work, professionalism and commitment in securing a massive improvement in Children’s Services throughout the Borough.


Reason for Decision


            Statutory reporting process.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            Not applicable.


Implementation Date




RESOLVED: That the performance ratings arising from the Annual Performance Assessment of services to Children and Young People in Halton undertaken by OFSTED be noted.



Asset Management Plan pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy seeking approval to the 2008 – 2011 Asset Management Plan.


It was noted that formal Asset Management processes had been in place in the Council since 2002 and this plan revised and updated that plan to meet with current local and national requirements. The plan was a robust method of managing the Council’s land and property assets to meet the needs of both the community at large and to assist and support directorates to deliver the Council’s priorities.


Best practice suggested that an Executive Board Member should be specifically identified to take the Corporate Lead on Asset Management issues and it was recommended that this be the relevant Portfolio Holder; however, the plan had also been considered and supported in its present form by the Corporate Asset Management Working Group and the Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board.


Members considered the content of the Plan and, in particular, noted that there was an intention to maintain a balance of 70% programmed maintenance to 30% response maintenance on the Council’s operational state, which was a reasonable balance. In addition, in relation to the transfer of assets to the third sector, criteria were to be developed in order to test the effectiveness of this when requests were received from the third sector. The Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board was currently working on a proposed test which would be submitted to the Executive Board in due course.


It was noted that the plan was a technical document and it was therefore intended that a summary be produced to highlight the major issues within it. In addition, it was proposed that the Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board receive six monthly reports on the plan, which would support audit requirements.




(1)       the 2008 – 2011 Asset Management Plan and its appendices be formally adopted;


(2)       the Corporate Services Portfolio Holder be formally designated as the Council’s Lead Member for Asset Management issues; and


(3) the Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board receive six monthly reports on the Asset Management Plan.



To Seek Nominations to Serve on the Ineos Local Liaison Forum pdf icon PDF 18 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment regarding the requirement for Members to serve on the Ineos Local Liaison Forum.


It was noted that, prior to commencing development on the Energy from Waste CHP Plant, which had been consented to by the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, there was a requirement to satisfy the terms of the associated planning obligation. The Ineos Local Liaison Forum (LLF) was required by virtue of the terms of the Section 106 Agreement entered into between Halton Borough Council and INEOS Chlor Limited. The purpose of the Forum would be to act as conduit between INEOS ChlorVinyls, Halton Borough Council and community stakeholders from those areas located nearest to the Energy from Waste CHP plant in order to keep residents fully informed during construction of the plant and to respond to any queries raised. INEOS ChlorVinyls had agreed to extend the duration of the Forum to cover operation of the plant for as long as it was deemed beneficial.


The proposed membership of the LLF was outlined within the report for Members’ consideration. In particular, it was noted that four Elected Members from Halton Borough Council were required. It was intended that the Forum be established in Spring 2009 meeting bi-monthly and that the Council review the purpose and need for the Forum periodically.


The Board was advised that, subject to agreement of the principal of four elected Members being nominated, this matter could then be dealt with under delegated powers to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader. It was intended that two Members would be from the leading group and two Members would be from the opposition.


RESOLVED: That four elected Members be nominated to serve on the Forum.



Customer Service Excellence pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community outlining progress to consider and develop the Government’s Customer Service Excellence Standards.


It was noted that, earlier in the year, the Cabinet Office had launched its approach to improving standards within Customer Services. The aim of Government was for “public services to be efficient, effective, excellent, equitable and empower – with the citizen always and everywhere at the heart of public service provision”. Standards and a toolkit had therefore been prepared and Local Authorities were expected to achieve accreditation through a nationally recognised process, in some ways replacing the Charter Mark. The Council had to adopt and achieve accreditation for Contact Centres during 2009 or demonstrate progress to achieve accreditation. Thereafter, it was expected that all services with a customer focus should be accredited. Potentially, this could mean a significant number of teams and services within the Council.


The Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board Working Group had already addressed a range of issues surrounding customer care and complaints and had tasked the Strategic Director – Health and Community with producing a plan to address the standards. A small officer working group had therefore been established to examine the issues and the progress made to date in terms of both Customer Service Excellence and Customer Services Strategy were outlined for the Board’s consideration.


The final draft of the Council’s Customer Services Strategy was attached to the report. Members noted the Strategy and, in particular, the opportunities for sharing information with partners; for example, the Fire Service had produced a booklet for Iranian families in the area, which had been well received. It was confirmed that the opportunity for the Council producing a similar booklet would be investigated.




(1)       the process to achieve accreditation as outlined within the report be supported; and


(2)       the Customer Services Strategy be approved.

MINUTES ISSUED: 23rd January 2009

CALL IN: 30th January 2009

Any matter decided by the Executive Board may be called in no later than 30th January 2009