Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Wednesday, 9th September, 2009 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

No. Item




The Minutes of 16 July 2009 were taken as read and signed as correct record




The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which provided a summary of the peer assessment undertaken on the BSF Outline Business Case (OBC), the outcome of the assessment. 


The Board was advised that the assessment praised Halton for the level of stakeholder engagement in the process, the quality on the BSF Outline Business Case, and responsiveness of the Council to any queries and clarifications they had raised.  They confirmed their approval of  Halton’s Outline Business Case subject to the following three technical conditions:


  • HM Treasury approval;


  • Confirmation by The Council Executive Board of the Council’s commitment to post LEP costs; and,


  • The approval of the statutory consultation on the “Grange Schools” (Nursery, Infant, Junior and Comprehensive) before the end of September 2009.


The Board was further advised that HM Treasury approval had subsequently been confirmed. On 24 September 2009, the Executive Board would be asked to make a decision on the outcome of the statutory consultation to close The Grange Nursery, Infant and Junior Schools; change the age range of The Grange Comprehensive from 3-16 years (offering 0-16 provision with support from the day care service) and enlarging the school so that it becomes The Grange School.


In addition, approval was sought to confirm the Local Education Partnership (LEP) funding post, thus ensuring all the conditions set by the MRA meeting as listed in 3.4 of the report had been met.




(1)                     the requirements of the Outline Business Case as set out in the report be approved;


(2)                     the Council continues to monitor BSF programme costs closely, making  agreed funding available to ensure the effective delivery of the Programme within the expected timescales; and


(3)          Following the establishment of the Local Education Partnership (LEP) the internal project costs estimated at £300,000 will continue to be committed by the Council during both construction and post construction phase to ensure contract monitoring and support functions can be maintained.


Temporary Accommodation pdf icon PDF 36 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which advised of proposed changes to the use of Grangeway Court (GWC) and sought approval to implement the necessary change to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy following a period of consultation with Registered Social Landlord (RSL) partners.


The Board was advised that there had been a major shift in the way Councils had been encouraged to manage homelessness by Central Government over the last few years. This had resulted in an increased emphasis on early intervention and prevention strategies rather than ‘crisis management’. This replicated the approach taken in other service areas.


The Board was further advised that a change in the Council’s Allocations Policy would be required, as it did not currently specifically assist those ready to ‘move on’ from supported housing. The use of GWC as supported housing rather than temporary accommodation would require a mechanism to facilitate a ’move on’ to other forms of housing. Without this minor change in the Council’s Allocations Policy, a preventative placement in ‘supported housing’ would not be perceived as an attractive option, if ultimately there was no pathway into social housing.


It was therefore proposed that families in supported accommodation were dealt with in practice in the same manner as singles in hostel accommodation i.e. they were awarded points to facilitate ‘move on’ (600 was suggested based on an analysis undertaken by Halton Housing Trust on the current waiting list and points categories).


In addition, all Local Authorities with housing responsibilities had been tasked with meeting a Government target that their use of temporary accommodation for homeless households would reduce by 50% by 2010.


It was noted that the adopted preventative approach to homelessness in Halton had been very successful.




(1)               the proposed change in use of Grangeway Court (GWC) to supported housing be approved;


(2)               the complementary amendment required to the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy to facilitate this change be noted;


(3)               that it be agreed that households placed at GWC as a preventative solution to a threat of homelessness are awarded 600 points on the Council’s Housing Register; and


(4)       the Board review the effectiveness of the change in use of Grangeway Court in 12 months time.


Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Gambling Policy pdf icon PDF 18 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Legal which sought endorsement of the Gambling Policy set out in the report.


The Board was advised that The Gambling Act 2005 required a local authority to produce a Statement of Gambling Policy every three years. The current Gambling Policy had come into effect on 29 January 2007.   Therefore, a new statement of gambling policy must be in force by the end of January 2010 and adopted by the Council at least a month before that date. The meeting of the Council on 17 September 2009 would therefore, be a suitable date to consider adopting the statement.


The Board was further advised that the Council could only adopt the statement after a formal consultation in accordance with the 2005 Act. It was suggested that the consultation period begin on or around 11th September 2009 and end by 16th October 2009. This would allow a reasonable time for consideration of comments from consultees.




(1)                     the draft statement of gambling policy attached to the report be the Council’s consultation document for the purposes of section 349 Gambling Act 2005;


(2)                     the Operational Director, Legal, Organisation Development and Human Resources determine all matters relating to the consultation process; and


(3)                     a further report be presented to the Board following the consultation process.


Halton Efficiency Programme - Decisions and Implementation pdf icon PDF 30 KB


The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive which outlined that the first wave of Efficiency Programme workstreams were currently entering the implementation stage. This was likely to require that structures within affected areas were amended, resulting in the deletion and creation of posts on the establishment to adopt a more efficient organisational design.  


The Board was advised that it was imperative that, after consultation, in the event of a need being identified for changes to staffing structures, these changes are made as quickly as possible in order that new structures could be implemented to achieve enhanced economy, efficiency and effectiveness in provision of public services. The proposal was that changes were made to take effect from 1st April 2010, thus securing targeted efficiency savings and related service changes and improvements. The changes would bear on:-


·        Management Structures;

·        Transactional Support Services;

·        Non-Transactional Support Services;

·        Green (now – Open) Spaces Service; and

·        Property Services.


The Board was further advised that the report sought approval to grant delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, to amend and approve organisational structures, make changes in conditions of service, take decisions on redundancy and other arrangements for termination of employment, and such other decisions as may be necessary to carry through and implement the Efficiency Programme. 


In addition, it was reported that this would ensure that momentum was maintained within the programme, and that service improvement and savings could be secured at the earliest opportunity.


It was noted that a Members seminar to look at the progress made on the efficiency programme to date and the future steps of the programme would take place on 17 September 2009.


RESOLVED: That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services be authorised to: amend and approve organisational structures, make changes in conditions of service, take decisions on redundancy and other arrangements for termination of employment, and take such other decisions as may be necessary to carry through and implement the Efficiency Programme.


Halton Core Strategy Preferred Options Document for Public Consultation - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which sought approval for a six week period of public consultation (24 September to 5 November 2009) of the content of the Halton Core Strategy Preferred Options document.


   The Board was advised that subsequent to the period of public consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options document and the collation and consideration of representations made, the team would begin to work on the Core Strategy Publication document. This would be the final stage of significant preparation of the Core Strategy. The Publication document would be published for a six-week consultation period, where representations would be able to be made.  However, it was reported that  these may only relate to issues of the soundness of the DPD.


            The Board was further advised that the preparation of the Publication document was due to commence in November 2009, with it being published for consultation in September 2010.  Following this period and the completion of any changes to the document, the Core Strategy would be submitted to the Secretary of State in December 2010. The subsequent public examination of the document was due to commence in April 2010.


            In addition, following the public examination, and taking into consideration the Inspector’s Binding Report, it was anticipated that the Council would adopt the Core Strategy in October 2011.


Reason (s) For Decision


Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, the production of a DPD must involve several important stages of preparation. This “Preferred Options” stage of the Core Strategy represents the second crucial stage in document preparation, and follows from the “Issues and Options” papers, which were subject to public consultation in 2006.


Alternative Options Considered And Rejected


This is a statutory step of plan making that is defined in law and as such there are no alternative options available.                          


 Implementation Date


 This decision will be implemented via a public consultation held   

  between the 24th September and 5th November 2009.




(1)         The Halton Core Strategy Preferred Options document be approved for the purposes of a six-week period of public consultation;


(2)         Further editorial and technical amendments that do not materially affect the content of the Halton Core Strategy Preferred Options document be agreed by the Operational Director - Environmental and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Executive Board Member for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal, as necessary, before the document is published for public consultation; and


(3)    The results of the statutory public consultation exercise on the Halton Core Strategy Preferred Options document be reported back to the Executive Board following the consultation period. 

MINUTES ISSUED: 11th September 2009

CALL IN:  18 September 2009

Any matter decided by the Executive Board may be called in no later than 18 September 2009.