Venue: The Boardroom, Municipal Building
Contact: Gill Ferguson 0151 511 8059 or Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2023, were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Corporate Services Portfolio |
N.B. Councillor J.
Lowe declared a Disclosable Other Interest in the
following item of business as she has a family member employed at St Lukes Care Home. |
Directorate Performance Overview Reports for Quarter 4 2022 - 23 PDF 59 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, on progress against key objectives/milestones and performance targets for the fourth quarter period to 31 March 2023, for the People Directorate (Social Care Health); and the Enterprise, Community and Resources Directorate. The Board was advised that the Directorate Performance Overview Report provided a strategic summary of key issues arising from the relevant quarter for each Directorate and was aligned to Council priorities or functional areas. The Board noted that such information was key to the Council’s performance management arrangements and Executive Board had a key role in monitoring performance and strengthening accountability. Performance Management would continue to be important in the demonstration of value for money and strengthening accountability. RESOLVED: That the report, progress and performance information be noted. |
Transformation Programme Update PDF 85 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Corporate Director: Chief Executive’s Delivery Unit, which provided an update on the following progress made within the Council’s Transformation Programme: · a structure had been developed and appointed to. Further appointments would be made as projects progressed; · projects had been set up and scoping completed. Appendix A set out a list of the projects and Appendix B set out a list of the initial savings estimated for the programme; · reporting and governance arrangements had been agreed and a monthly report would be provided to the Board; and · bi-monthly briefings would be provided to all Members. The Board noted that all Members would receive bi-monthly updates on the work of the Transformation Team and update reports would also be submitted to Scrutiny Chairs’ meetings. It was therefore recommended that for the near future, the Budget Working Group meetings would not be required. RESOLVED: That the Board noted the contents of the update. |
2022/23 Financial Outturn Position PDF 299 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report from the Operational Director – Finance, advising of the Council’s overall revenue net spending outturn position for the year 2022/23. It was reported that preparation of the statutory statement of accounts for 2022/23 was nearing completion. The revenue spending position for each Department was shown in Appendix one; which presented a summary of spending against the operational revenue budget. Appendix two provided detailed figures for each individual Department. In overall terms, the outturn position for the year showed that operational net spend was over the approved budget by £5.161m. Appendix 3 contained the Capital Programme for each Directorate as at 31 March 2023. The outturn position was a significant improvement on the forecast overspend of £7.586m reported at the end of quarter 3. There were a number of reasons for the improved financial position; these were detailed in the report. The key budget variances for the quarter were outlined for the Board, from the following Departments: ·
and Families Department; ·
Social Care Department; ·
Inclusion and Provision; ·
& Support Services; and ·
and Democracy; Members were also advised on the reasons for the reliance on agency employees over the past year and the cost to the Authority for 2022/23. RESOLVED: That 1) the Council’s 2022/23 outturn position as presented in the report be noted, along with the importance of early delivery of the Re-imagine Halton Transformation Programme, to help reduce future costs and provide a balanced, sustainable budget position; 2) the proposal to replenish Council reserve balance within the Medium Term Financial Strategy, be noted; and 3) consideration is given by relevant Departments to utilise external enforcement agencies to help reduce the value of outstanding debt and improve debt recover times. |
Adult Social Care Portfolio |
N.B. Councillor J.
Lowe declared a Disclosable Other Interest in the
following item of business as she has a family member employed at St Lukes Care Home. |
Draft Scrutiny Review Report - Adult Social Care Workforce Needs PDF 81 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report on the recent Scrutiny Review undertaken by the Health Policy and Performance Board (PPB). On behalf of the PPB, Councillors P. Lloyd Jones and Baker attended the meeting to present to the Board the outcomes of the Review of Adult Social Care Workforce Needs. The Board was advised that a scrutiny topic was commissioned by the PPB in response to the continued pressures across the Adult Social Care system, in relation to recruitment and retention and considerations around opportunities for development and progression within the sector. The topic group had met on a number of occasions and as a result, the PPB had identified a set of recommendations which were set out in Section 7 of the report. RESOLVED: That the Board note the findings of the Scrutiny Review and its recommendations. |
Halton Sensory Service PDF 61 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Adult Services, which sought a waiver in compliance with Procurement Standing Orders 1.14.4 (v) and 1.14.5 of Parts 2 and 3 of Procurement Standing Order to extend the Halton Sensory Service from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. It was noted that following a procurement process undertaken in 2018, a 3 year contract with the option to extend for a one plus one year period was awarded to Vision Sensory Services. In July 2022, the final available extension was awarded with the contract due to end in June 2023. Over the pandemic, the Sensory Service continued to be provided but in a different way. It was considered that a review was required to inform the service delivery model and future commissioning. A one year extension was requested to allow the work to be undertaken. RESOLVED: That the Board 1) note the contents of the report; and 2) approve a waiver in compliance with Procurement Standing Orders 1.14.4 (v) and 1.14.5 of Parts 2 and 3 of Procurement Standing Orders to extend the Halton Sensory Service from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. |
Environment and Urban Renewal Portfolio |
Preliminary Estimates for Passenger Transport Contract Tenders PDF 70 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which advised that the aggregate value of the proposed passenger transport contracts through a revised Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) was projected to be in excess of £1m. The passenger transport DPS process was a mechanism that enabled the Council to identify transport providers who were capable of delivering the specialist nature of transport contracts on its behalf and to the standard identified in the current conditions of the contract. The current DPS would expire in August 2023 and the replacement would be required for September 2023. RESOLVED: That 1) the procurement of passenger transport contracts through a revised DPS is approved; and 2) the Operational Director – Planning, Policy and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Environment and Urban Renewal, be delegated to deal with any matters relating to the procurement and operation of this contract. |
Bus shelter Supply, Installation and Maintenance PDF 64 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which sought a waiver of Part 2 and or Part 3 of Standing Orders, for the award of a contract for the provision of bus shelter supply, installation and maintenance for an initial period of four years with the option to extend for a further two years. The Board noted that Commutaports were the current contractor and had provided the public transport infrastructure for approximately 20 years. During this period, they had won the competitive tender process on a number of occasions, providing competitive pricing on each occasion. They had also proven to be a thoroughly professional, reliable and punctual organisation and had demonstrated a willingness to work and make necessary adjustments to schedules to accommodate requests made by the Council. All 301 bus shelters within Halton had been supplied and maintained by Commutaports, and approving the proposed waiver would ensure continuity and standardisation of the public transport infrastructure. RESOLVED: That the Board 1) note the contents of the report; and 2) in compliance with Procurement Standing Order 1.14.4(v) approve a waiver of Part 2 and/or Part 3 of Standing Orders, for the direct award to Commutaports Ltd for the supply, installation and maintenance of bus shelters across the Borough, for an initial period of four years with the option to extend for a further two years; and 3) supports the overall process. |
Preliminary Estimates for the Provision of Commercial Vehicles & Plant Components PDF 64 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which advised that the aggregate value of the proposed contract for the provision of commercial vehicle and plant components was projected to be in excess of £1m. The existing contract would come to an end on 8 August 2023 and it was proposed that any new contract arrangements should provide for a greater level of flexibility and allow the Council at any time, to be able to choose to place orders with other suppliers. It was proposed that the new arrangements would be for a 5 year period with the potential for up to 5 one year extensions (10 years in total), subject to satisfactory performance and pricing agreement. RESOLVED: That 1) the procurement of a new contract for commercial vehicle and plant components be approved; and 2) the Operational Director – Planning, Policy and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Environment and Urban Renewal, be delegated to deal with any matters relating to procurement and operation of this contract. |
SCHEDULE 12A OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) ACT 1985 PART II In this case the Board has a discretion to exclude the press and public and, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it is RECOMMENDED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, having been satisfied that in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act. Minutes: The Board considered: 1)
Members of the press and public should be excluded from the meeting of the
Board during consideration of the following item of business in accordance with
Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 because it was likely that,
in view of the nature of the business to be considered, exempt information
would be disclosed, being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph
3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972; and 2)
the disclosure of information was in the public interest, whether any relevant
exemptions were applicable and whether, when applying the public interest test
and exemptions, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed
that in disclosing the information. RESOLVED: That as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public
interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed that in disclosing the
information, members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting
during consideration of the following items of business in accordance with
Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 because it was likely that,
in view of the nature of the business, exempt information would be disclosed,
being information defined in Section 100 (1) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972. |
Deputy Leader Portfolio |
Runcorn Station Quarter Phase 2 Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which provided an update on the Runcorn Station Quarter Masterplan. The update outlined the next steps in the programme including, feasibility studies, option development and funding requirements for Phase 2. RESOLVED: That 1) Phase 2 is noted; 2) approval is given for the Station Building Development project to use Utilities Regulations 2015 as required in Procurement Standing Order Regulations 1.4.2 iii; 3) funding bids/business cases are submitted with a view to securing funding for additional phase of the Runcorn Station Quarter Masterplan and wider Runcorn Vision; and 4) the Board note that funding for main design and build contract would be sought from the Sustainable Transport Fund. |
MINUTES ISSUED: 20 June 2023 CALL-IN: 27 June 2023
at 5.00 pm. Any matter decided by
the Executive Board may be called in no later than 5.00pm on 27 June 2023. |