Venue: The Board Room - Municipal Building, Widnes. View directions
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 1st December 2011 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Children Young People and Families Portfolio |
Foster Care Allowances 2012-13 PDF 24 KB Minutes: The
Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and As part of the department’s Placement Strategy for Children in Care, the level of allowance paid to Halton Foster Carers was increased in September 2010. This was done for a number of reasons, but was ultimately aimed at increasing the number of Foster Carers available within the Borough and supporting their retention. Improved finance was just one component of the investment in the service which also included an improved range of support to carers, more training opportunities and improved engagement in service developments. It was noted that whilst the number of carers remained a challenge, the quality of the pool of carers available was now better than in previous years and was better able to meet the needs of our children. It therefore remained important that the allowances paid to carers were appropriate, competitive and attractive. In addition, it was important that the allowances paid to carers were increased to reflect actual costs incurred by them and it was therefore proposed that all allowances were increased by 4% (rounded down to the nearest pound). Members were advised that the proposal to raise allowances by 4% would cost approximately £64,541. However, the failure to recruit and retain carers may result in the purchase of expensive Independent Fostering Agencies placements, where just one placement would cost on average £44,000. RESOLVED: That the recommended level of increase in allowances is agreed. |
health and adults portfolio |
Procurement of Care and Support Services for Extra Care Housing PDF 20 KB Minutes: The Sub-Committee was advised that tenders were to be invited for the provision of day time care and support services in three Extra Care housing schemes. The estimated value of the tender would be in excess of £1m. The two new Extra Care housing schemes which were being developed were as follows:- 47 units by Halton Housing Trust at 90 units by Cosmopolitan Housing Association at the Boardwalk, West Bank – should be ready early 2014. Additionally,
there was an existing Riverside Scheme of 40 units at It was proposed that one provider would be sought to be provide services across the three sites in order to secure maximum efficiency and economies of scale and a contract period of five years was to be offered. The estimated value of the contract over the five years was £3.8m. It was noted that tender submissions would be evaluated on both price and quality using a 70% price and 30% quality ratio. RESOLVED: That the Board note that a procurement process was to be undertaken for the services set out in the report. |
substance misuse services PDF 28 KB Minutes: The Sub Committee considered a report which requested that the Strategic Director Communities be given delegated authority, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Safer Halton, to extend the contracts of 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Addaction & Arch Initiatives on a month by month basis until 31st March 2012. The Sub Committee had previously resolved to authorise the Operational Director Commissioning to enter into a contract with Crime Reduction Initiatives, who through an open tender process had been assessed as being the most economically advantageous and effective organisation to deliver the new substance misuse service. The Committee also resolved that in the light of exceptional circumstances procurement Standing Orders be waived, and the Operational Director, Commissioning and Complex Care be authorised to extend the following contracts direct and without competition for the current providers; ARCH Initiatives, Addaction and 5 Boroughs NHS Foundation Trust, in order to ensure continuous care and support to those currently in receipt of drug treatment. Contracts were extended up to December 31st 2011 (Minute No ES refers). Following the award of the new contract to Crime Reduction Initiatives, clarification on a number of issues relating to the contractual process and the transfers of service had meant that the process had taken longer to conclude. In order to ensure that the transfer to the new substance misuse service was both clinically safe and complied with TUPE regulations, authority was sought for the Strategic Director Communities, in conjunction with the portfolio holder for Safer Halton, to extend current service contracts on a month by month basis until 31st March 2012. In addition, it
was noted that the substance misuse service were currently delivered from
Ashley House in It was noted that if the lease was extended beyond its current term of March 2015, there would be a requirement to reinstate the premises to its previous function. The estimated cost of this based on a desk top exercise was £152,000. Contingency arrangements had been made for this sum in the current budget. RESOLVED: That (1) in the light of exceptional circumstances set out in the report for the purpose of Standing Orders 1.8.2b, Procurement Standing Orders 2.0.1 and 2.1 to 2.6 be waived, and the Strategic Director Communities be authorised to extend the following contracts direct and without competition for the current providers; ARCH Initiatives, Addaction and 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, in order to ensure continuous care and ... view the full minutes text for item 66. |
MINUTES ISSUED: 15th December 2011 CALL IN: 22nd December 2011 Any matter decided by the
Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 22nd December
2011 |