Agenda and minutes

Regulatory Committee - Tuesday, 17th August, 2010 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item


Application to vary a Premises Licence The Establishment Old Town Hall Victoria Square Widnes pdf icon PDF 41 KB


           The Committee met to consider an application which had been made under Section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to vary the above premises licence.


          The hearing was held in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 and the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005.


          In attendance were the applicant Stephen Lawlor, Denis Riley DPS and Stephen Gibbons Head Doorman who were represented by Martin Stafford (DWF Solicitors).


          Cheshire Constabulary (“the Police”) were represented by Ian Seville Police Licensing Officer also in attendance were P C Chris Carney, Chief Inspector John Ward and Bill Seabury Licensing Enforcement Officer Safer Halton Partnership


          The Council’s legal advisor, John Tully, introduced the parties, outlined the procedure to be followed, summarised the nature of the application and the relevant representations which had been made. The Committee was advised that other representations had been made by local residents but had not been made within the statutory time limit: consequently, no details were provided in respect of these invalid representations.


Details of the existing premises licence


        The premises licence authorised the following licensable activities:-

        Categories B - Exhibition of films (Indoors), E – Live Music (Indoors), F – Recorded Music (Indoors)  and J – Dancing (Indoors) between the following times:-

        Monday and Tuesday           10.00 to 01.30

        Wednesday                         10.00 to 02.30

        Thursday Friday and Saturday        10.00 to 03.00

        Sunday                                         10.00 to 02.30


        Category M – Supply of alcohol (On Licence) between the following times:-

        Monday and Tuesday           10.00 to 02.00

        Wednesday to Sunday                   10.00 to 03.00


Category O – Hours Premises are open to the public between the following times

Monday and Tuesday                     10.00 to 03.00

Wednesday to Sunday                   10.00 to 03.30


Details of the application


The application comprised nine components as follows [with some explanatory text added in square brackets]:-

1.     ‘To vary existing hours for all named activities’ [i.e. Categories B,E,F,J, and O];

2.     ‘To apply for late night refreshment’ [Category L];

3.     ‘To apply for Facilities for Making Music’ [Category I];

4.     ‘To request an amendment on the condition under the heading ‘Door Supervisors’ for Door Supervisors to be employed  from 23.00’ [the current requirement being from 22.00];

5.     ‘To extend the opening hours’ [Category M];

6.     ‘To apply K facilities for entertainment of a similar description’ [i.e. similar to Categories I or J];

7.     ‘To apply for the performance of dance’ [Category G];

8.     ‘To apply for Deregulation from 10.00 on New Years Eve until terminal hour on New Years Day’ [in respect of Categories B,E, F, G, I, J, K, L, M  and O];

9.     ‘To apply for alterations to the layout to include the outside area at the front of the premises for the consumption of alcohol as per layout on the attached drawings (subject to the approval of a Street Café Licence)’ [This refers to a licence under Part VIIA Highways Act 1980].


        The variation application requested the following licensable activities:-

        Categories B – Films (Indoors), E – Live Music (Indoors), F – Recorded Music (Indoors), G  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.