Agenda and minutes

Regulatory Committee - Monday, 24th November, 2008 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meetings held on 10 April, 21 May, 29 May, 16 June, 7 August, 23 September and 24 September 2008 were taken as read and agreed as a correct record.


            RESOLVED: That the minutes be received.


Asda Widnes List of interested parties pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that the application had been withdrawn prior to the meeting.        

(NB: Councillor Bryant declared a personal interest in the following item of business due to the relationship with one of the parties involved in the matter, and took no part in the application or the decision.)


taxi report Lee Nolan November 2008 pdf icon PDF 24 KB


            The Committee met to consider whether a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence should be granted to Lee Nolan.


            Before reaching a decision the Committee considered the agenda item and took into account the information provided to them by the Councils Licensing Section, to the submission made by Mr Nolan’s Legal Representative Mr J Parry of Nadim Associates Solicitors Limited on his behalf and to the answers received from Mr Nolan to the various questions which were asked by the Members.


            The applicant Mr Nolan, his legal representative Mr Parry and the Council’s Enforcement Officer John Findlow left the room whilst the Committee made a decision.


            Following consideration of all the information presented the applicant, his legal representative and Mr Findlow returned and the decision was announced.


            RESOLVED: That a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence be granted to Mr Nolan subject to the following condition:


            The application must be completed by Monday 15 December 2008 including a Certificate of Insurance current at the time of completion which, must be produced and the vehicle must be satisfactorily tested at the Council’s Lowerhouse Lane testing station with a Certificate of Compliance issued on or before 15 December 2008.


            Failure by the applicant to complete the application in full by Monday 15 December 2008 will result in the application being deemed to be void and the Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence will be issued immediately by way of a draw to qualifying Single Status Drivers in the borough.