Agenda and minutes

Regulatory Committee - Monday, 24th August, 2009 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item


Application for the review of a Premises Licence under Section 53A of the Licensing Act 2003 - The Goldmine Bar and Grill 419 Hale Road Halebank Widnes pdf icon PDF 35 KB




            The Sub Committee met to consider an application for a Summary Review of a Premises made by Cheshire Constabulary in respect of Goldmine Bar & Grill 419 Hale Road Halebank Widnes under section 53A of the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) (premises associated with serious crime or disorder or both).


          In accordance with the Act the interim hearing was held on 29 July 2009 which was within 48 hours of the receipt of the application.  At the interim hearing the Police were represented by Paul Draycott Police Licensing Officer and Inspector Simon Blackwell and the Premises Licence Holder Mr Michael James Harrison attended with Mrs Linda Harrison and Mr Mark Lafferty.


The procedure to be followed was explained and the parties subsequently put their cases in accordance with it.


          The Police put forward the case in support of their application and presented seven potential interim conditions for the Sub Committee to consider in respect of the premises.


          The Premises Licence Holder Mr Harrison together with Mrs Harrison and Mr Lafferty made representations.


          The Sub Committee asked a number of questions of the parties and retired to consider the application and


          RESOLVED that the following interim conditions be imposed with immediate effect (20.00 hrs on 29 July 2009) unless otherwise stated


1        The removal of the DPS Michael James Harrison

Reason – The Prevention of Crime and Disorder


2        CCTV system to be reviewed to establish effectiveness.  Sufficient staff should be trained in its use so that they can download relevant images at the time of request by the police for crime investigation purposes.

Reason – The prevention of Crime and Disorder

3        Only polycarbonate or toughened glasses to be used.- With effect from 09.00 on 30 July 2009

Reason – The prevention of Crime and Disorder

4        All glass bottles to be decanted into polycarbonate or toughened glasses – with effect from 09.00 on 30 July 2009
Reason – The prevention of Crime and Disorder

5        Bottles to be placed in bottle bins where public have no access.
Reason – The prevention of Crime and Disorder

6        (i) Pool table cues and the white ball to be place behind the bar of the premises.  A “signing out/in“ book to be provided by the Premises Licence holder showing the times and names of customers using the pool table equipment. 

(ii) Pool table equipment to be removed from customers by 22.30 each day and placed in a secure position behind the bar.

Reason – The prevention of Crime & Disorder   





          In accordance with the Act the full review hearing was held on 24 August 2009.


          The procedure to be followed was explained and the parties subsequently put their cases in accordance with it.


          Mr Paul Draycott represented Cheshire Police and Mr Michael Harrison the Premises Licence Holder attended with Mrs Linda Harrison.


          At the full hearing the Police requested the following conditions to be imposed permanently on the Premises Licence 


1        CCTV system to be reviewed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.