Agenda and minutes

Regulatory Committee - Monday, 14th June, 2010 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item





Consultation on Taxi Rank Provision pdf icon PDF 17 KB

Additional documents:


          The Committee received an update report on the outcome of the consultation on taxi rank provision in Halton and a request for approval for amendments to the Council’s existing provision of taxi ranks.


          A consultation exercise had been undertaken with the taxi trade on the provision of hackney carriage stands in the borough. The report outlined details of the limited response received.


          In addition, the Councils Legal Services Licensing Section reviewed the provision of ranks in parallel with the consultation exercise.


          It was noted that the various proposals had been discussed with the Councils Highways Section as the cost of implementation had been the prime consideration.  The Council had a very limited budget for 2010/2011 for implementing any new schemes.


          It was therefore proposed to bid for 4 new schemes two in Widnes (plus a change of hours to an existing rank) and two in Runcorn as detailed in the report.


          RESOLVED: That


(1)      the information set out in the attached appendices be noted;


(2)      the proposals set out in Appendix E be approved with the exception of the new evening rank for five vehicles on High Street in the existing lay-by outside the Estate Agents and Bookshop where it was agreed that the hours be amended from 20.00 to 06.00 to 22.00 to 05.00 and subject to any representations which may be made in respect thereof;


(3)      the Operational Director, Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to fulfil all procedural requirements and relating to the proposals in Appendix E in accordance with Section 63 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976;


(4)      any representations opposing the proposals set out in this report be referred back to the Committee for consideration; and


(5)      subject to no such representations being received the Operational Director, Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make a designation order to consolidate any existing orders and incorporate the proposals in Appendix E. 


Legal Services Licensing in Tables pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report which updated Members on the changes made to the Legal Services Licensing in Tables currently on the Council’s internet.


It was noted that at the Committee meeting on 18th September 2006 Members were advised of a document relating to the various licences dealt with by Legal Services and resolved that the information as outlined be published on the Council’s website.


It was further noted that this document was updated and presented to Members each year and had now been further updated again to reflect more recent changes.


The amended version of the Legal Services Licensing in Tables was presented to Members for consideration.


RESOLVED: That the amended information contained in the Legal Services Licensing in Tables be noted.