Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Application for a premises licence on land at Daresbury PDF 346 KB Minutes: The Committee met to
consider an application which had been made under section 17 of the Licensing
Act 2003 for a premises licence in relation to the above premises. The hearing was held in
accordance with the provisions of section 18 Licensing Act 2003 and the
Licensing Act (Hearings) Regulations 2005. Following an introduction
(introducing all of the persons present at the hearing) by the Chairman –
Councillor K Loftus and the Council’s legal representative John Tully – Group Solicitor
Environment and Licensing, outlined the procedures to be followed and
summarised the points which were relevant to the conduct of the hearing. Mr Tully summarised the information
set out in the agenda. The agenda set out which licensable
activities had been applied for, together with the hours and days during which
those activities would take place. A summary table had been prepared to assist
with identifying the licensable activities together with the changes between
the existing premises licence and the current application. The representations from responsible
authorities were contained in the agenda and the representations from other
persons (still referred to by the former title of ‘interested parties’) were
set out in a separate bundle which had been previously been sent to the
Committee members and to the parties. Since the agenda was prepared negotiations had continued between the
applicant and other parties resulting in agreed conditions with Cheshire Police
and with Halton Borough Council Environmental Protection, Halton Borough Council
Environmental Health, Health and Safety and Food Safety and Halton Borough
Council Trading Standards. Representations had been
made by the following responsible authorities: Cheshire Constabulary, Halton
Borough Council Environmental Protection, Environmental Health – Health and
Safety and Food Safety, Halton Borough Council Trading Standards and Warrington
Borough Council Environmental Protection. The Committee was advised that the
conditions requested by Warrington Borough Council Environmental Protection
were in the main consistent with the conditions requested by Halton Borough
Council’s Environmental Health and it was agreed that the Halton Borough
Council Environmental Health Officer (EHO) conditions were accepted by the
applicant. Since Warrington Borough
Council had not confirmed its position with respect to the outcome of
negotiations it was for the Committee to determine which conditions it would impose.
The position regarding the Halton Trading Standards proposed ‘Challenge 25’
conditions had been resolved the day before the hearing when the Cheshire
Constabulary ‘Challenge 21’ position was accepted. Letters making representations had
been received from a total of 9 other persons. Two of the representations
received were invalid because they did not constitute relevant representations.
Details of the interested parties who made relevant representations were set
out at Appendix 5 of the Committee report. Only relevant representations were
taken into account by the Committee (the Committee having determined what
constituted a relevant representation from other persons). Where a representation contained both relevant and irrelevant material only the relevant elements of the representation were taken into account. In some cases no evidence/information had been put forward to substantiate the reasons expressed and in some cases ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |