Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 1st June 2016 having been circulated were signed as a correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee
considered a request from Executive Travel NW Limited to be exempted for all of
their licensed vehicles from having to display the Council issued door signs.
The reasons justifying the application were set out in the agenda report and Mr
J Coogan attended on behalf of the company to amplify
those reasons and answer questions from the Committee. RESOLVED: That the application be approved. NOTE: Cllr,
Wallace did not take part in the debate or vote on the above item to avoid any
allegation of bias. |
Taxi Licensing Conditions PDF 333 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on
miscellaneous policy changes which had gone through a consultation process via
the Taxi Consultative group. These involved changes in existing policy to both
hackney carriage and private hire conditions. The proposed and potential policy
changes were listed at Appendix B of the report and in the body of the report.
The policy change approved by the Committee require to
be adopted by the Executive Board. RESOLVED: That 1. The
Committee endorses all of the proposals set out in:
Appendix B of the report (as amended at the
The definition changes set out at paragraph
4.5 of the report (as amended at the meeting).
The following changes to vehicle age
conditions – for standard vehicles add two years to maximum age (and for the
avoidance of doubt with the deletion of MPV style vehicles as a separate
category they will be treated as fully wheelchair accessible vehicles for the
purposes of age limits). 2. The
Executive Board be recommended formally to adopt the above proposals and that
the adoption take effect on 24th October 2016; 3. Having
been advised of the decision of the Council on 14th September
2016 to adopt and readopt Part II
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (which will come into effect
on 24th October 2016) the Committee. requests the Executive Board to
adopt and readopt all existing policies
of the Council relating to public and private hire (as amended by the
changes set out in the report) to take effect on 24th October 2016;
and 4. Pending
the decision of the Executive Board the OD-LD be authorised to take decisions
in respect of individual applications as if the policy changes recommended by
the Committee were already in force. |