Agenda and minutes

Corporate Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 27th February, 2007 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2007, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




            It was noted that no public questions were received.




            The Minutes of the Executive Board and the Executive Board Sub-Committee relating to the work of the Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board since its last meeting were submitted for information.


            RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.




            The Board received an update report on the work of the Area Forum Topic Group which had been gathering information in relation to its review of Area Forums. A final meeting of the Group would be held shortly and the findings submitted to the Board for consideration.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




            The Board considered a report which outlined the draft work programme for the coming year. It was agreed that the following topics would be included in the Board’s work programme for 2007/08 with draft membership as detailed:



Lead Officer

Lead Member






Learning from Complaints

R. Mackenzie

Councillor Lowe

Councillors Norddahl, Bradshaw, Wainwright, Edge, Gilligan


Development of Web Based Service Delivery

S. Riley/R. Dart

Councillor Blackmore

Councillors Wainwright, Gilligan


Disabled access to Council Buildings and Services

J. Goacher

Councillor Loftus

Councillors Wainwright and Gilligan


Performance Management

 R Mackenzie

 Councillor C.Inch

Councillors Wainwright, Gilligan, Nolan, Blackmore, Dennett




            RESOLVED: That the draft work programme be approved for further development.




            At a previous meeting of the Board training provision across the Council was examined. However, with the exception of Corporate Training, the Board were not provided with any details as to the budget for training provision across the Authority.


            The Board considered a report which set out the cost of training within the Authority and examined whether there was scope for improving co-ordination and reducing duplication in training provision.


            The report suggested that the Board ask the additional further questions of the responsible officers in each area:


§                What posts are involved in organising/providing training activity within your Directorate?

§                What are the grades/salary costs of each post involved?

§                What proportion of each of the posts identified is attributable to organising or providing training?

§                Where are each of the officers identified as organising or providing training based?


            The Board discussed the administration of training across the three directorates, Corporate and Policy, Children and Young People and Health and Community; and requested further information on the following:


(i)                 the administration costs of providing training separately across three directorates;

(ii)               the implications/benefits of bringing these services together;

(iii)             the implications at the end of the National Training Strategy Grant on 31st March 2008; and

(iv)              are all external bodies charged to use the training facilities.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)       the additional further questions as outlined above be asked of the responsible officers in each area and a report brought back to the next meeting of the Board; and


(2)         further information on the following be provided to the Board:


(i)         the administration costs of providing training separately across three directorates;

(ii)               the implications/benefits of bringing these services together;

(iii)       the implications at the end of the National Training Strategy Grant on 31st March 2008; and

(iv)       are all external bodies charged to use the training facilities.      




            The Board considered a report which outlined the progress of the Performance Management Third Quarter against the service plan objectives, the performance targets, performance trends/comparison and factors affecting the service etc., for the following areas:-


-     Exchequer and Customer Services;

-      Financial Services;

-      ICT Services;

-      Legal Services;

-     Personnel Services;

-      Policy and Performance;

-      Property Services; and

-      Stadium and Hospitality.


            The Board received a presentation from the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy which outlined the types of properties owned, leased or occupied by the Council, how they meet the needs of the Authority and address the Council objectives, and how the Authority makes the most of its assets and ensures their future viability. Members also noted the process for the monitoring and assessment of Council properties and the role, future objectives and benefit of the Accommodation Strategy.


            Arising from the discussion Members requested:


-      a breakdown of buildings leased to voluntary organisations including the location, type of organisation and rent charged;


-      regular reports on the progress of the Accommodation Strategy;


-      a further report be presented on the industrial units owned by the Council including information on capital received, those vacant and feedback from potential leaseholders; and


-     congratulations be forwarded to the Trent implementation team for the recent successful changes to the payroll system.


        RESOLVED: That


(1)   the Third Quarter Performance Management Report be received;


(2)   a breakdown of buildings leased to voluntary organisations, including the location, type of organisation and rent charged be provided;


(3)   regular reports on the progress of the Accommodation Strategy be submitted; and


(4)   a further report be presented on the industrial units owned by the Council including information on capital received, those vacant and feedback from potential leaseholders.


NB.   At the conclusion of the meeting the Chairman thanked John Tradewell (Council Solicitor) for his contribution to the Board and wished him well for the future.