Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall
Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 471 7529 or Email:
No. | Item |
Minute's Silence The Council will stand for a Minute’s silence as a mark of respect for the sad passing of Councillor Dave Leadbetter. |
Additional documents: |
Apologies for Absence |
The Mayor's Announcements |
Declarations of Interest |
Leader's Report |
Minutes of the Executive Board |
Minutes of the Executive Board Sub Committee |
Minutes of the Mersey Gateway Executive Board |
Minutes of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board |
Questions Asked Under Standing Order 8 |
Matters Requiring A Decision Of The Council |
Directorate Plans (Minute EXB 101 refers) PDF 21 KB Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That 1)
the Draft Directorate Plans be approved; and 2)
the Chief Executive be authorised, in
consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments and adjustments that
may be required. |
Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That 1)
the capital funding available for 2012/13 be noted; 2) the proposals to be funded from Capital
Maintenance be agreed and the position in respect of Basic Need be noted; 3)
Council approve the Capital Programme 2012/13; and 4)
a further report be submitted to
Executive Board to detail how the Basic Need capital funding would be spent in
2012/13. Additional documents: |
The Localism Act 2011 - The Amended Standards Regime (Minute EXB 115 refers) PDF 75 KB Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That Council adopt the proposals for revised Standards arrangements as set out in Appendix 2 attached to the report. Additional documents: |
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust (Minute EXB 119 refers) PDF 34 KB Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That Council 1)
support a) the proposal by Bridgewater Community
Healthcare NHS Trust to
become a Foundation Trust; b) the
membership arrangements proposed by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust; c) the
public membership constituencies proposed by Bridgewater Community Healthcare
NHS Trust; d) the
staff membership proposals proposed by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS
Trust; and e) the
Governor’s structure and numbers proposed by
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust; 2)
nominate the Portfolio holder for Health and
Adults as the Halton Governor Representative, should Bridgewater Community
Healthcare NHS Trust achieve Foundation Trust status; and 3)
encourage Halton residents to take up the opportunity
to become members of the proposed Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS
Foundation Trust. |
Liverpool Community Healthcare NHS Trust (Minute EXB 120 refers) PDF 37 KB Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That Council 1)
support a)
the proposal submitted by Liverpool Community
Healthcare NHS Trust to become a Foundation Trust; b)
the membership arrangements proposed by
Liverpool Community Healthcare NHS Trust; c)
the public memberships constituencies proposed
by Liverpool Community Healthcare NHS Trust should give due regard to a
dedicated Halton constituency; d)
the staff membership proposals proposed by
Liverpool Community Healthcare NHS Trust; e)
the Governors structure
proposed by Liverpool Community Healthcare NHS Trust. However, in respect of
the composition of Governors, Halton Borough Council recommend that they be
allocated one dedicated Elected Member to represent Halton on the Governing
Body; f)
the plans for governance proposed by Liverpool
Community Healthcare NHS Trust; and 2)
Halton residents be
encouraged to take up the opportunity to become members of the proposed
Liverpool Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. |
Annual Review of the Constitution 2012 (Minute EXB 125 refers) PDF 39 KB The Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That Council approve the updates to the
Constitution as detailed in the Appendix attached to the report. |
Calendar of Meetings 2012/13 (Minute EXB 126 refers) PDF 17 KB The Executive Board considered the attached report:- RECOMMENDED: That Council approve the Calendar of Meetings for the 2012/13 Municipal Year. Additional documents: |
Arrangements for the Appointment of Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2012/13 (Minute MYR 4 refers) The Mayoral Committee
considered a Part II item making
recommendations for the appointment of Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the 2012/13
Municipal Year:- Council is requested to note these recommendations as follows. Formal confirmation
will be sought at the annual meeting. 1) Councillor
T McInerney be appointed as the Mayor; and 2) Councillor M Ratcliffe
be appointed as the Deputy Mayor. |
Minutes of the Policy and Performance Boards and the Business Efficiency Board |
Children, Young People and Families - yellow pages PDF 49 KB |
Employment, Learning, Skills and Community - cream pages PDF 42 KB |
Committee Minutes |
Development Control - pink pages PDF 41 KB Additional documents: |
Appeals Panel - white pages PDF 19 KB Additional documents: |