Agenda and minutes

Executive Transmodal (Implementation) Sub-Board - Tuesday, 24th May, 2005 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Lynn Cairns on 0151 471 7529 or e-mail 

No. Item




The Minutes of the informal “setting up” meeting of 3rd February 2005 were held as a correct record. It was noted that the dates referred to for future meetings no longer applied.



Drawbridge Planning Application - Update


            The Sub-Board received an update from the Operational Director – Planning outlining the current position in respect of the planning application for the eastern core area of the Ditton Strategic Rail Freight Park. It was noted that an area of new railfreight connected warehousing was to be developed by Drawbridge, the company that had submitted the planning application.


            Discussions had taken place and the Operational Director was confident that a recommendation for approval would be submitted to the July meeting of the Development Control Committee. However, this was subject to the satisfactory resolution of a number of outstanding matters including:


(1)       the company needed to commit to off-site works, in particular to improve the capacity of the off-site railway linings in the Council’s area: this issue was to be the subject of a detailed report;


(2)       the company was looking for extra land on the West Bank Estate to address the issue of adequate capacity and space for the number of HGV’s entering the site;


(3)       the internal site layout was to be covered by suitable planning conditions to ensure that nothing prejudiced the ability to obtain a private planning application for a road; and


(4)       as level crossings could not be at angles across railway lines, the applicant was expected to designate a route on the site to facilitate crossings from west to east.


            Information was tabled in respect of a proposed strategic railfreight interchange at St. Helens. Members noted that, unlike Halton’s proposal, this site was largely in greenbelt area and, to overcome earlier objections, involved a massive remodelling of junction 22 of the M6 with restricted access only through residential areas adjoining the site. The proposal was currently being consulted on and it was anticipated that Halton would eventually be asked to comment.


            It was noted that, when previously consulted by St. Helens, Halton had raised no formal objections as the Government had stated there was scope for three sites. The only issue was in respect of timing. However, it was anticipated that it would be unlikely that a Public Inquiry in respect of the St. Helens application would be any earlier than Summer 2006.


            There was therefore a need for Halton to ensure that the St. Helens application did not detract from Ditton Rail.


Planning Issues: Supplementary Planning Documents - Halebank and Ditton


            The Sub-Board considered a report outlining the purposes and progress of the preparation of “Supplementary Planning Documents” (SPD’s) for Halebank and Ditton Strategic Railfreight Park.


            It was noted that preparation of the two SPD’s was underway in accordance with the requirements of the new 2004 Planning Act.  A timetable for the preparation of the SPD’s was included in the Council’s Local Development Scheme with the target dates for adoption being October 2005 for Halebank and February 2006 for Ditton Strategic Railfreight Park.


            It was noted that a number of steps were required before the Halton SPD could be progressed any further and these were outlined in the report. The Ditton Strategic Railfreight Park SPD was being prepared by consultants and was to be based on the Masterplan recently approved.  However, it would give more detail for planning development control purposes and would be subjected to a sustainability appraisal.


            Once adopted, both the Halebank and Ditton  Strategic Railfreight Park SPDs would, together with the policies of the Halton UDP,  be the basis of planning decisions on planning applications and the negotiation of planning contributions towards infrastructure such as road and rail and landscaping works associated with the development.


            Members considered the consultation timetable and the need to reduce duplication as much as possible whilst still undertaking the required process.


Minutes from Officers' Steering Group Meeting on 12 May 2005


The Sub-Board considered the Minutes of the Officer’s Steering Group Meeting held on 12th May 2005 which had been circulated for information.


It was noted that Sally McDonald had now been appointed as Ditton Strategic Railfreight Park Programme Manager. This appointment, together with Martin Ledson as Programme Officer, had provided the necessary impetus for the scheme.




(1)       Ms. McDonald be welcomed in her new role; and


(2)       the Officer Steering Group Minutes be provided as an appendix to future agenda for information.


Date of Next Meeting


A list of proposed meeting dates and times was tabled for consideration.


            RESOLVED: That future meetings of the Sub-Board be held as follows:


·  Thursday, 4th August 2005 in the Marketing Suite at 2.00 pm

·  Thursday 3rd November 2005 in the Marketing Suite at     4.00 pm (or at the rise of the Executive Board meeting);

·  Thursday 2nd February 2006 in the Marketing Suite at      4.00 pm (or at the rise of the Executive Board pre-agenda meeting); and

·  Thursday 4th May 2006 in the Marketing Suite at 4.00 pm.




In view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it was


RESOLVED: That under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 13 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Planning, Transportation & Regeneration Portfolio


Agricultural Holdings


The Sub Board received a report seeking authority to serve notice to terminate two agricultural holdings at Halebank, Widnes.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)    the report be  noted; and


(2)    the Executive Board be recommended to grant approval for officers to serve notice to terminate two agricultural holdings, as outlined in the report, at Halebank, Widnes.

MINUTES ISSUED: 6th June 2005

CALL IN: 13th June 2005

Any matter decided by the Executive (Transmodal Implementation) Sub-Board may be called in no later than 13th June 2005