Agenda and minutes

Health Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 13th June, 2006 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item


Public Question Time


It was confirmed that one question had been received in relation to the agenda item on Better care, Sustainable services: Public Consultation by North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust. It was agreed that the question would be dealt as part of the item (minute HEA9 refers).


Executive Board Minutes


         The Board considered the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and Executive Board Sub Committee relevant to the Health Policy & Performance Board.


         Resulting from EXB178, the Members asked if it would be possible to have an update from the independent analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposals which had been commissioned and it was noted that a report would be submitted to Executive Board on Thursday 15th June 2006 and would be available after that date.


     RESOLVED: That the minutes be received.


Terms of Reference


The Board received a report outlining the Terms of Reference for the Healthy Halton Policy Performance Board.  It was noted that the changes had been made in order to bring the Policy and Performance Board in line with the Council’s Strategic Priorities as contained within the Corporate Community Plans.


            RESOLVED: That the Terms of Reference be noted.


Delivery of Improvement Statement


            The Board considered a report which outlined the performance in Social Care in Halton during 2005/06.  It was noted that the Council was required to provide a range of information on performance, service developments, barriers to service provision and future plans on annual basis to the Commission for Social Care Inspectorate (CSCI).  The Board received the information – the Delivery and Improvement Statement the (DIS) – showing that the Council had a rating of two stars, the highest being three therefore there was room for improvement.  It was reported that the areas for development included improving intensive home care and ensuring that assessments were timely and completed within four weeks of commencement.  Barriers to development included the restructuring of the local National Health Service organisations including the Primary Care Trust and the 5Boroughs Partnership Trust.


            Concerns were raised regarding the format of the DIS as it was not easily readable due to each section having a limitation on the number of words.  The Members requested that a précis be provided in order have the information in an easier format.


            RESOLVED: That the DIS be noted and a précis be provided.


Annual Report


            The Board received the draft Annual Report of the activities of the Health Policy and Performance Board (PPB) during 2005/06 for comment and/or amendment.  Subject to endorsement by the PPB, the Annual Report would go forward with the Annual Reports of other PPBs to a forthcoming meeting of the full Council for adoption.  It was noted that there would be a special meeting held in July 2006, in order to consider the 5Borough Partnership Proposals for future delivery of services.


            RESOLVED: That the Policy and Performance Board endorse the attached Annual Report for the purpose of its adoption at a forthcoming meeting of the full Council.


Better care, Sustainable services: Public Consultation by North Cheshires Hospitals NHS Trust


            The Board received a presentation of the public consultation document from Mr Phil Wake – Medical Director for North Cheshire Health Trust, which outlined the proposed changes in the delivery of services to Halton and Warrington hospitals of how they were provided now and how they would be provided in the future.  His presentation set out:


·       why there was a need to change;

·       what the changes were aiming to achieve;

·       the proposals for Halton and Warrington;

·       transport issues;

·       clinical issues;

·       the stakeholders;

·       the public consultation process; and

·       the next steps


Arising from the presentation the Members of the Board and other Members present raised a number of serious concerns with the proposals, in particular:


·        had the Trust consulted with the PCT in providing community care;

·        the location of the chemotherapy unit and the prime donation for this unit;

·        the freezing of £1,000,000 funding from charity;

·        funding for the kidney dialysis unit;

·        information regarding the case loads that Halton hospital would have and the amount of high dependency beds at Halton;

·        patients having the choice to select which hospital they would like to attend;

·        transport issues for patients and visitors;

·        the competition with Whiston and St Helens hospital;

·        payment by performance;

·        no clear information from the consultation regarding breakdown of costs;

·        the distribution of the consultation paper to areas of Runcorn;

·        what assurances could be given should there be insufficient funding to deliver the proposals ie; what was plan B.


A member of the Public present had submitted a public question in relation to the public consultation document. The question was:


'Can the NCH tell us what other configuration proposals have been made and;


a)     why no other, alternative proposals had been put before the Public (with the Executive indicating its preference and why)


b)     the grounds on which alternatives have been rejected.’


In response it was noted that the other models had been looked at and the Halton site would not be feasible due to it not having an A & E department.  There would be some feedback from the results of the Stakeholder event, which was to take place on 20th July 2006, in addition there would be feedback from public meetings.


RESOLVED: That the report and presentation of the proposed changes be noted and that the questions be answered in writing before Thursday 22nd June 2006.




The Board was reminded that Standing Order 51 of the Council’s Constitution stated that meetings should not continue beyond 9.00pm.


                        RESOLVED: That Standing Order 51 be waived.


Performance Monitoring Reports


            The Board considered the performance monitoring reports for the fourth quarter year-end and concerns were raised regarding the reports being out of date.


Concerns were also raised regarding the issuing of invoices and the payment dates for the out of hours services.  It was suggested that they should read “payment required within 14 days from receipt of invoice”, it was noted that there was a meeting arranged with St Helens to investigate joint working which may help to improve the Council’s service.


  In addition it was requested that any future away days be held in Council premises to prevent further stretches to the budget. It was noted that this would be taken back to Management Team.  


            RESOLVED: That


(1)               the performance management reports be noted; and


(2)               the report outlining the outcomes of the meeting with St Helens be brought back to the Board.