Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 14th November, 2006 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Michelle Simpson on 0151 424 2061 Ext. 1126 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2006 having been printed and circulated were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.  




            It was noted that no public questions had been received.



Additional documents:


            The Board considered the minutes of the Executive Board and the Executive Board Sub-Committee relating to the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board.


            Discussions arose regarding Waste Management as residents had raised concerns about having bin bags rather than bins in the Murdishaw area.  In response it was noted that at present a suitability study was being carried out with plans to introduce black bins to more areas in the future.  It was agreed that a response would be given to the Ward Councillor providing details of when there would be any changes to the waste collection system, once the analysis had been completed.


Community Safety Team pdf icon PDF 46 KB


            The Board considered a report from Andy Ross – Community Safety Partnership Inspector -  Cheshire Police Authority, which gave details of the work and current issues of the Community Safety Team. The report set out the following:


  • the make up of the Community Safety Team;
  • the role;
  • engagement and liveability issues;
  • current and repeat crime issues;
  • PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers);
  • multi agency meeting (MAM);
  • tasking and co-ordination;
  • anti-social behaviour (ASB) strategy;
  • examples of good practice;
  • other initiatives;
  • performance; and
  • challenges.


The Board had a wide ranging discussion regarding the action plans taken to target criminal damage, the new government initiative to increase the amount of PCSO’s, the decrease in NRF funding, the need for a PCSO in the Halton Lea ward and the concerns around the anti-social problems gypsy travellers could cause.


The Board expressed its thanks to Cheshire Police for all the good work that had been carried out in West Bank and Victoria Park, Widnes.


The Board heard of the Multi Agency Problem Solving (MAPS) Team at West Lancashire which had all the key partners housed in one building for example: - police officers, a fire officer, an officer from the Primary Care Trust (PCT), Youth Offending Team and the Council Solicitor for two and a half days a week.  It was noted once capital costs were covered this system cost little to maintain as in essence the approach involved bringing together staff who were already in post into one office.  


It was agreed that Board Members and certain key partners would be invited to the ASB working party on Wednesday 22nd November 2006 in order to discuss various issues for example: -


  • What added value might be derived if all officers involved in Community Safety were to be located in one building?
  • Who would be the main people to be co-located?
  • Where would the ideal location be? (independent or accessible to the public)
  • What would be the remit of the co-located team e.g. strategic or operational – dealing with complaints of ASB etc.




(1)              the presentation be received;

(2)              the comments made above be noted;

(3)                all Board Members be invited to the ASB working party in order to discuss the above matters with a view to referring any suggestions made to Executive Board.


Annual Road Traffic Casualty Analysis Report pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a report from the Operational Director – Highways and Transportation outlining road traffic collision and casualty numbers within Halton for 2005 in order to enable Members to review the effectiveness of the Council’s Casualty Reduction Strategy.


            The report set out a full analysis of the numbers of traffic collisions and casualties for 2005 comparing performance with previous years.  In addition the details of progress towards various national and local targets for casualty reductions were also given.


            It was noted that there had been 590 casualties last year, 73 of which were serious and 4 of which were deaths.  Members noted that prior to 1998 there was 89 deaths in one year, therefore today’s statistic was significantly lower. 


            The Board was informed of a training scheme used in schools called Megadrive which aimed to educate senior school pupils of the dangers of high speed reckless driving.  The scheme also gave pupils the opportunity to have a driving taster, with an instructor. It was felt this has helped to reduce the number of road traffic casualties in previous years.


            At present there were only enough spaces for 50 children from each senior school and it was agreed that a recommendation should be made to Executive Board requesting main stream funding for the continuation of the Megadrive scheme to a wider number of pupils. 


            RESOLVED: That


(1)   work undertaken on casualty reduction continues to be supported;

(2)   progress towards the achievement of the national casualty reduction targets be noted and welcomed; and

(3)   a request be referred to Executive Board to investigate whether mainstream funding for the Megadrive scheme could be found for future years.


The use of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 by the Consumer Protection Service pdf icon PDF 72 KB


            The Board received a presentation from the Senior Trading Standards Officer which sought Members support for the use of the full “confiscation regime” and “offences” under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 by the Consumer Protection Service.


            The report gave details of:


  • crime – profitable business;
  • the asset recovery philosophy;
  • new ways to part criminals from their assets;
  • post conviction confiscation orders;
  • Law Enforcement’s New Weapon (The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002);
  • The Trading Standards Connection and how it worked;
  • Confiscation Hearing;
  • The Confiscation Order;
  • The Assumptions; and
  • The Home Office Incentivisation Scheme.


Concerns were raised regarding incidents that had been reported recently in connection to rogue traders.  Members were encouraged to pass information on to residents to be aware that rogue traders were in circulation in the area.  It was requested that any information in relation to situations involving rogue traders be reported promptly to the Trading Standards Team.




(1)    the report be noted; and

(2)        the Executive Board be requested to agree to the use of the full ‘confiscation regime’ and ‘offences’ under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 by the Consumer Protection Service, as outlined in the report.


Performance Monitoring Reports Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a performance briefing paper which highlighted aspects contained in the full versions of the monitoring reports.  This set out what the services had achieved relative to planned performance and demonstrated how they contributed to the Council’s strategic priorities.


         A number of emerging issues and key developments that would impact upon the service or required action to address performance were detailed within the report, for the following services:


         Environment Directorate


1.      Highways & Transportation

2.      Environment & Regulatory Services


Health & Community Directorate


3. Health & Partnerships

4. Culture & Leisure


          The Board requested that in future the information within full performance monitoring reports which was relevant to this PPB be collated and paged numbered, prior to being circulated to the Board.

                    RESOLVED: That

(1)    the service performance and progress towards achieving objectives and targets be received; and

(2)    the information within full performance monitoring reports which was relevant to this PPB be collated and paged numbered, prior to being circulated to the Board.