Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 11th March, 2014 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Karalius Suite, Halton Stadium, Widnes. View directions

Contact: Lynn Derbyshire on 0151 511 7975 or e-mail 

No. Item




          The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2014 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




The Board was advised that no public questions had been submitted.


SSP Minutes pdf icon PDF 15 KB

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The minutes from the last Safer Halton Partnership (SHP) meeting held on 25 November 2014 were presented to the Board for information.


RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted.


North West Ambulance Service pdf icon PDF 16 KB

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The Board received a presentation from David Kitchin, Head of Service and Sarah Smith, Assistant Director of Corporate Communications on the North West Ambulance Service.  The presentation:-


·             detailed the services that they provided; the 99 Paramedic Emergency Service; Urgent Care; Patient Transport; Major Incident Management and provision of the 111 services in the North West from October 2013;


·             set out the facts and figures in relation to the service; i.e. they serviced a 7m population covering over 5,4000 square miles; they employed approximately 5,000 staff with an annual income of £260m, there were three emergency control rooms; 1.1m 999 calls were received each year of which 900,000 had been emergency patient episodes, 2m PTS journeys had been undertaken and they covered the North West footprint (5 LATs with 33 CCGs and 28 provider trusts); and


·             outlined the key achievements; the headline performance; information relating to Halton; the Estates review; complaints and compliments and information on the Foundation Trust status.


The following comments arose from the presentation:-


·             The Board noted that a number of defibulators, funded by The Heart Foundation had been placed in numerous locations throughout the area.  The Board also noted how vital they were in saving lives.  It was reported that there could also be scope to obtain additional defibulaors via The Heart Foundation.  It was also reported that a defibulator had been used at the stadium recently and the individual concerned was making a good recovery;


·             The Board noted the number of compliants and compliments that had been received in 2012-2013 and noted that reason for the increase was as a result of a change in how they were recorded;


·             Clarity was sought on whether paramedics from Halton would respond to motorway accidents and whether that resulted in service delays for the residents in Halton.  In response, it was reported that when such a call was received, patient centre deployment would be activated and resources would be moved around  with back up vehicles utilised to cover the loss of resources in that particular area.  However, if all vehicles had been deployed, it could result in time delays;


·             It was agreed that information on the service would be placed in the In Touch magazine; and


·                 Members of the Board were invited to undertake a visit to the Control Room. It was agreed that Members indicate their interest in visiting the control room via the Committee Officer who would make the necessary arrangements.




(1)        The presentation be received and the comments raised noted; and


(2)        David Kitchin and Sarah Smith be thanked for their informative presentation.



Proposed Anti Social Behaviour Reforms pdf icon PDF 16 KB

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The Board received a presentation from Mike Andrews, Community Safety Team on the National Community Safety Network proposed anti-social behaviour reforms.  The presentation:-


·             Highlighted that reducing anti-social behaviour (ASB) was a priority – there had been approximately 3 million incidents of ASB reported every year; 1 in 7 people think there are high levels of ASB in their area; in 2011, practitioners and victims wee asked for their views and in May 2012, the White Paper “Putting Victims First: More Effective Responses to Anti-social Behaviour”;


·             Gave details of the content of the White Paper;


·             Outlined the streamlined toolkit for dealing with anti-social behaviour;


·             Set out how problem individuals and environmental ASB would be addressed;


·             Detailed the Police Powers to disperse and mandatory possession;


·             Explained how communities and victims would be empowered; and


·             Outlined the next steps – legislation would be introduced at the first opportunity; current powers would remain in force for the time being and practitioners should still use them where they offer the best available means of protecting victims and communities.


The Board also received a verbal overview on the pilot Perpetrator Scheme from Mr Gareth Merger, Self Help Services.  Mr Merger reported that the pilot scheme was in partnership with the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in respect of interventions for male perpetrators of domestic violence.


The Board was advised that there was a lot of support locally for female victims and criminal justice male perpetrators but not a lot of rehabilitation was taking place.  The Domestic Violence Programme was a 26 week group course for a maximum of 12 males.  They would learn about violence and control and male privilege was used in relationships to change their behaviour and stop domestic violence.  Additional support for their partners whilst they were on the course was also provided.


The following comments arose from the overview of the Pilot Perpetrator Programme:-


·             the Board noted Clare’s Law, a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, which had been introduced in England and Wales this week to allow people to find out from the Police if their partner had a history of domestic violence.  The Board suggested that this be incorporated into the course. 


·             Clarity was sought on whether course participants entered the course as part of a Criminal Order.  In response, it was reported that the pilot was a community service based model, where some participants could be on an order, but ideally they would be volunteers who had identified that they had a problem with domestic violence, accepted it and wished to change their behaviour;


·             The Board also noted that the course maybe operating from the Bridges Learning Centre initially as it was close to public transport and was also being given to a venue in Widnes depending on where the referrals came from.   Clarity was sought on whether anything was in place after the course had been completed and whether individuals completed the course more than once.  In reply, it was reported that safeguards were in place for their partners via Women’s  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Safer Priority Based Report pdf icon PDF 17 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which introduced, through the submission of a structured thematic performance report, the progress of key performance indicators, milestones and targets relating to health in Quarter 3 of 2013-14. The report also included a description of factors which were affecting the service.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·             Safe in Town pilot project - Members requested an update on this project, in particular in relation to securing funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner.  In reply, it was reported that information would be circulated to all Members of the Board; and


·             Performance Indicator PH LI 02 (page 53) – Clarity was sought on why the target for 2013/14 had been set at 85% when the achieved performance for the previous year had been 90%? In reply, it was reported that information would be circulated to all Members of the Board;


·             The Board noted that in England legislation was currently going through Parliament in respect of the Food Hygiene Law which would make food establishments publicly display their food hygiene grading score; and


·             The Board noted the reasons for the Leisure Management Contract overspend.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.



Halton Homelessness Strategy 2013 - 20 pdf icon PDF 28 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which presented Halton’s Homelessness Strategy 2013-2018.


The Board was advised that in accordance with Homelessness Act 2002 the local authority had conducted a full Strategic Review of Homelessness within the area and formulated a Homelessness Strategy for the next five year period.


The Board was further advised that the Homelessness Strategy 2013-2018 was based upon the findings and recommendations of two other documents, one being a comprehensive review of the current homelessness services which was conducted over a nine month period during 2012 -2013. The other being the previous Homelessness Strategy 2009-2013, which involved active engagement with service users, providers and Members.


It was reported that the Strategic Review of Homelessness had involved active engagement with service users, service providers, all partner agencies and Elected Members. The draft findings had also been discussed and agreed with all key stakeholders prior to the report being finalised


The Board noted that Halton was experiencing a gradual increase in homelessness presentations and statutory homelessness acceptances and the main causes of the increase. The Board also noted that there were a number of client groups that did not meet the statutory homelessness criteria, but had a pressing housing need. However, it was reported that concerted efforts were being made by the Housing Solutions Team to assist these client groups, offering temporary accommodation for a limited period and facilitating a more efficient and accessible ‘move on’ process.


Furthermore, it was reported that the Localism Act 2011 had introduced many changes to homelessness and allocations legislation. In November 2012, the Localism Act 2011 had brought into force provisions that allowed local authorities to end the main housing duty to a homeless applicant by means of a private rented sector offer, i.e. a fixed term assured shorthold tenancy for a minimum of 12 months. The authority should consider the new allocated powers, which would impact upon future homelessness and service delivery.


In conclusion, it was also reported that it had been determined that the Council would be able to reduce the length of stay for households in temporary accommodation and the associated costs. Additionally, it would help the Council to avoid future use of B&B accommodation.


        The Chairman reported that Members could contact the Officer directly with any questions or comments they wished to raise on the Strategy.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.



Safer Policy and Performance Board Work Programme 2014/15 - Scrutiny Topic Group pdf icon PDF 35 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which sought Members consideration of developing a work programme for 2014/15.


          The Board received a verbal update on the Night Time Economy Topic Group from the Vice Chairman, Councillor Norman Plumpton-Walsh.  He reported that the financial implications of the recommendations had been completed and the report would be presented to the Executive Board for approval.  A copy of the report was circulated to all Members of the Board for information/comment.


          After discussion, the Board agreed that the safeguarding and consumer protection Topic Groups be deferred to a later date for consideration and that a Topic Group be established on the Domestic Abuse Strategy. A Topic brief was circulated at the meeting.  The brief outlined that the scope of the review would be as follows:-


·             To identify the level of abuse and identify where Halton is in relation to neighbouring Local Authorities;


·             To review existing models of service to meet the need by identifying areas of good practice across the sub region of Cheshire;


·             To explore the adoption of white ribbon status for the Borough of Halton; and


·             To identify areas of good practice across the sub region of Cheshire.


          RESOLVED: That


(1)            a Domestic Abuse Strategy Topic Group be established; and


(2       Members indicate their interest in becoming part of this Topic Group via email to the Committee Officer.


Safer PPB Annual Report 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 18 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Communities, which presented the Annual Report for the Safer Policy and Performance Board for April 2013- March 2014, attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


 The Board was advised that during 2013-14 the Board had looked in detail at many of the Safer priorities.  Further details of these were outlined within the Annual Report and set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


The Chairman took the opportunity to thank Officers and Members for their contribution to the Board during the municipal year.


RESOLVED: That the report  and comment raised be noted.


Chairman's announcement


The Chairman reported that he was attending his last meeting as Chairman of the Board as he would be undertaking Mayoral duties in the next municipal year.  He took the opportunity to thank Members and Officers for their contributions to the Board and extended his best wishes for the future.  The Board thanked Councillor Osborne for the manner in which he had undertaken his duties during his time with the Board.


RESOLVED: That the Board place on record a vote of thanks to Councillor Osborne for the work undertaken by him during his time as Chairman of the Board.