Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 15th June, 2021 6.30 p.m.

Venue: The Bridge Suite, Halton Stadium, Widnes

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail 

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 82 KB


            The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2021 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




            It was reported that no questions had been received


Presentation from Anthony Walker Foundation STOP HATE, SPEAK OUT pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a presentation from Natalie Denny, on behalf of the Anthony Walker Foundation. The presentation outlined the stop hate, speak out campaign which was a new initiative to tackle and prevent racially and religiously discriminatory behaviour and those acting against others because of their race or faith. The campaign consisted of:


·         A new hate crime reporting tool;

·         A young people led digital marketing campaign; and

·         The delivery of a host of education and training opportunities.


The Board was advised on the training and education provided to date by the Foundation for professionals and young people to support communities to report hate crime whilst providing improved awareness/understanding of consequences/impact of hate crime from participants and to support the transformation of prejudicial view, ignorance and faulty perceptions and beliefs. In addition, the Board noted the work of the Foundation in their support for 12 young people with the aim to secure employment for them.


Arising from the discussion, the Board enquired if training was available for Local Councillors. In response, the Board was advised that this was something that could be explored.


RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the presentation and agree Halton’s participation in the project.


Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking - Governance & Support Arrangements in Halton pdf icon PDF 145 KB


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided information on the current arrangements within the Council to meet its requirements under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and its review/changes in 2019/20. The report also provided information on:


·         The current arrangements in Halton to support victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking;

·         Activity taking place on a Pan-Cheshire footprint;

·         The Council’s Transparency Statement which had been refreshed for 2021-2022.


            The Board agreed that the Police and Crime Commissioner would be invited to attend a future meeting.


RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted.


Heartstone Odyssey Book Festival pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided information on the Heartstone Odyssey Book Festival and sought approval for Halton’s participation in the project. Heartstone were currently engaging with all the local authorities in the Liverpool City Region and the report provided a detailed briefing about the project including a financial breakdown.


            It was noted that the requested match was £2,200 and it had been agreed by the Safer Halton Partnership to use monies from years 2-5 of the Home Office sponsored resettled refugee pot and the Board were asked to support this decision.


            RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted and Halton’s participation in the project be agreed.


Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence pdf icon PDF 119 KB


            The Board received a report Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, in relation to the activities being supported across the Borough in response to domestic abuse and sexual violence.


            It was noted that the Domestic Abuse Bill had received Royal Assent on 29 April 2021. As a result, councils across England had a legal duty to provide support such as therapy, advocacy and counselling in safe accommodation for victims of domestic abuse and their children. The Act also provided those who were homeless because of domestic abuse would become a priority need for accommodation secured by the Council. Full details of the provision of the Act, which it was expected would come into force during 2021/22, were outlined in the report.


            Members were advised that Halton had received a share of the £125m national pot to fund the new duty, including commissioning additional vital support services for victims and improving links between existing local services. It was noted that Halton had been identified as a tier one Local Authority and had been awarded £326,878 to support the local delivery of safe accommodation for victims of domestic abuse. As a tier one Local Authority Halton was also required to appoint a multi agency Local Partnership Board that would provide support in performing certain specified functions.


            In addition, the Board noted that the Council’s bid to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for additional Independent Domestic Violence Advocates across Cheshire had been approved.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Community Trigger Update pdf icon PDF 105 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the current Community Trigger scheme. The Community Trigger element of the Home Offices Reform of anti-social behaviour powers was launched on 1 October 2014. Updated guidance in respect of Community Trigger was subsequently published in January 2021.


            In Halton, the process was managed within the Safer Halton Partnership (SHP) and was under regular review through Managers of each of the Safer Partnerships across the Cheshire Sub Region. The report outlined how the SHP would deal with requests/applications for the Community Trigger within Halton including details on timescales and the appeal process.


            Members suggested that the document should also include complaints submitted on behalf of residents from Elected Representatives or Member of Parliament. It was agreed that it would be amended to include this suggestion.


            RESOLVED: The report and action plan be noted.

At the conclusion of the meeting the Vice Chair advised the Board that this was Chris Patino's last meeting as he was retiring shortly. On behalf of the Board she thanked him for his work and support and wished him well for the future.