Venue: The Halton Suite - Select Security Stadium, Widnes
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2018 having been circulated were signed as a correct record. |
Healthy New Town Halton Hospital and Wellbeing Campus - Presentation PDF 468 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a presentation from the Chief Executive from Halton Borough Council, who provided an update on the development of the Healthy New Town Halton Hospital and Wellbeing Campus. A £40 million bid had been submitted to NHS England to create a Hospital and Wellbeing Campus at the very heart of Halton Lea, which would bring together all of the elements to deliver a seamless health and social care system for the people of Halton. However, it was reported that NHS England had announced 40 hospitals and community centres that would receive a combined total of £760 million and the Halton bid had been unsuccessful. It was noted that only six facilities across the entire north were granted funding and none were in Merseyside or Cheshire and only one in the North West. The Board expressed their disappointment that the bid had been unsuccessful but agreed that although it would be a challenge to gain funding for the Healthy New Town Halton Hospital and Wellbeing Campus, work would continue to achieve this. RESOLVED:
That the presentation be noted.
One Halton Prevention Model and Framework Presentation PDF 198 KB Minutes: The Board received a presentation from the Director of Public Health,
outlining the work that had taken place to date to develop the One Halton Prevention Model and Framework. The Board was advised that the aim of One Halton was to deliver a place based
health, integrated, user friendly, prevention model. It would make the most of
local talents and assets, services and providers and enable people to stay well
and within reason manage their own health. It aimed to improve health outcomes
so that people live longer, healthier and happier lives. It was noted that the next stage in the development of the model and
framework would be to: •
Share the draft model
for discussion – March 2018 •
Scope what we
currently have for prevention – April 2018 •
Decide 5 key
initiatives we would like to focus on initially – May 2018 •
Develop an action
plan – June 2018 •
Share plan with Board
– September 2018 RESOLVED: That the presentation be received. |
All-Age Autism Strategy PDF 226 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People, which
provided an update on the new Halton All-Age Autism
Strategy. The Board was advised that the current Autism Strategy was developed in
2012. Since then, a number of national reports relating to Autism had been
published and in addition, Halton took part in the
Autism Self-Assessment Framework, which was completed at the end of 2016. A working group was established in July 2017 to move forward with
planning a new All-Age Autism Strategy, with questionnaires, consultation and a
draft strategy produced, as detailed in the report. The development of the
All-Age Autism Strategy aimed to take a more joined up and holistic approach to
developing opportunities and realising potential for people with Autism at
every stage of their lives. It was noted that the Health Policy and Performance
Board had considered a report on the proposals at its meeting on 27 February
2018. RESOLVED: That the contents of the report, appendices and comments of
the Board be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report of the Director of Adult Social Services which provided an update on progress towards the actions included in the Action Plan developed following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) – Local System Review (LSR) of Health and Social Care in Halton. The Plan included details on those actions which had been completed and the progress to date of those actions which were outstanding. RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the report and associated appendix. |
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive / Strategic
Director, People, which provided an update on One Halton. One Halton would deliver a single fully integrated
place based health, wellbeing and social care system for the people of Halton. It had wellness at its heart and would address
health and social care needs of the local community. The One Halton
Strategic Vision built on the initial commitment of partners to improve the
delivery of health and social care by enabling people to take more
responsibility for their own health and wellbeing; with people staying in their
own homes and communities as far as possible; and when complex care was
required, it was timely and appropriate. To progress One Halton, the Council and its partners had established a One Halton
Accountable Care System Board (the Board), to provide a forum to provide system
leadership and meaningful engagement in the development of One Halton. Members noted that Appendix 1
contained information about general progress and the emerging approach to One Halton.
Appendix 2 set out the emerging thinking of a new “model of care”, led by the Halton GP Federations and Bridgewater NHS Community Care
Trust. RESOLVED: That 1)
progress of One Halton
be noted; 2)
better integration of health and social care services which is essential, and
that additional investment in local services is badly needed, be supported; and 3)
receive further updates on the progress of One
Halton. |
Transforming Domiciliary Care PDF 211 KB Minutes: The Board received an update report on the progress of the Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme. Domiciliary Care describes the delivery of care and support services to people within their own homes. The Council had recommissioned the domiciliary care provision for the borough with a lead agency, Premier Care. The contract was for up to 7 years providing stability and security in this sector. On behalf of Premier Care, John Regan attended the meeting and advised the Board on the progress of the contract, including details on the recruitment and retention of staff. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive, which provided a
progress report on the development of a Community Shop in Halton. The Board was advised that the Community Shop model was a supermarket
with a targeted membership which aimed to tackle food poverty. The concept was
to provide quality branded food at discounted prices to reach people that
needed help to achieve financial independence. This was achieved by redistributing
food that was surplus in the supply chain, which would otherwise end up in
landfill. It was reported that after undertaking a feasibility study, commissioned
by Big Local and Well Halton in September 2017, a
site in Windmill Hill was identified as a suitable location for the opening of
a Community Shop in Halton. Regardless of its
location, it was noted that all households that were eligible for membership
within the Borough would have the opportunity to become members as part of a
rolling programme that would target identified areas of need. Alongside this,
Members were advised that a Community Shop would provide employment and
training opportunities; provide financial and debt advice; reduce dependence on
food banks; and offer two-course low cost lunches to its members. RESOLVED: That the Board support the continued development of a
Community Shop in Halton, as outlined in the report. |
Support for Key Governmental Action on Obesity PDF 206 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, which provided information on new options to tackle obesity. It was recognised that the causes of obesity are complex, environmental, physiological and behavioural factors all interrelate and play their part in influencing the prevalence of obesity. At a local level Halton had a wide range of activities to tackle obesity. This included: · An integrated healthy lifestyle and wellness programme; · Health planning policies; and · 0-19 service working with schools to be health promoting. However it was felt that national government needed to do more to support the efforts of local areas in particular to take the lead on following three areas of action details of which were outlined in the report: · Implement the food revolution; · Tackle food poverty; and · Introduce a fairer and greater obesity focus of the use of sugar levy RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the report and support the three key areas for government action. |