Venue: Halton Suite, Halton Security Stadium. View directions
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th March 2018 having been circulated were signed as a correct record. |
One Halton Prevention Framework and Model PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, which provided Members with a final version of the One Halton Population Health Framework and Model. The Framework had been developed in conjunction with Cheshire and Merseyside Health & Care Partnership Prevention Board, Public Health England (PHE), Halton Borough Council, NHS Halton CCG, NHS providers, the voluntary sector and third sector and sought to support the delivery of the prevention challenge. RESOLVED: That the One Halton Framework and Model be endorsed. |
One Halton Transformational Population Health Programmes 2018 PDF 295 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report which provided details of the six transformational population health programmes. The six programmes would support delivery of the One Halton Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2022 and inform collaborative action for the Council, NHS, Social Care, Public Health and other key partners as appropriate. RESOLVED: That the proposed transformational population health programmes be noted. |
Everyone Early Help Strategy 2018-2021 PDF 373 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report from
the Strategic Director – People, which presented the new Everyone Early Help Strategy that combined children, adults and
public health. The draft document was
appended to the report. It was reported that services to support
children, families and vulnerable adults were facing unprecedented
challenges. It was clear that early help
and prevention services should make up the cornerstone of any delivery model. If low-level needs could be prevented from
developing into more serious or acute needs, then this was advantageous to both
the provider and service user. It was
noted that effective early help and prevention could not only increase
independence, improve outcomes and the quality of life for individuals, but
also provide a financial return to the Local Authority in the form of cost
avoidance and a reduction in the use of more expensive, acute resources. Members were advised that this
transformation in thinking was about undertaking a whole system review of the
approach to early help and prevention, with a focus on increasing the
resilience of communities and their potential to help themselves, supported by
a planned prioritisation of resources, integration, collaboration and
understanding the benefits that early help could have on a wide range of longer
term outcomes for everyone involved. The report advised of Halton’s approach to early help and prevention where there
had been a long standing commitment across all agencies and strategic
partners. It was noted that the Council
had restructured in 2016-17 to combine the adult and children directorates to
create the People Directorate. Following
this it was agreed to create a new joint early help strategy that would sit
across the new People Directorate. The
report continued discussing the five key aims of the Strategy, and then the
three priorities within the Strategy that all agencies would work towards to
help further embed early help principles. RESOLVED: That the Board support the implementation of
the Strategy. |
Persons/People in a Position of Trust (PiPOT) PDF 204 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, which advised that The Care Act 2014 required that partner agencies and their commissioners of services should have clear recordings and information sharing guidance, set explicit time timescales for action and were aware of the need to preserve evidence. The North West Policy for managing concerns around people in positions of trust with adults who have care and support needs, had been previously circulated to Members of the Board and built upon existing relevant statutory provision. The document provided an overarching policy for the North West region and was ratified by the North West ADASS Regional Safeguarding Group. RESOLVED: That the policy be noted and adopted. |
Work Place Health & Time to Change Employer Pledge PDF 243 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, which
provided an update on work undertaken across the Borough to improve workplace
health, and to encourage the Council to sign up to the “Time to Change”
Employer Pledge. The Board was advised that over the
past eighteen months, the Health Improvement Team had rolled out a
comprehensive Workplace Health Programme (the Programme) to local businesses
across Halton. Depending on the needs of individuals
and businesses, a tailored package of support for businesses, including a
review of health policies, health checks, smoking cessation and health
awareness events, was established. It was reported that the next phase of the
Programme would be to work with local businesses to further improve their
mental health offer and support them to undertake the “Time to Change”
Employer’s Pledge. Time to Change was the leading
national social movement aimed at improving public attitudes and behaviour
towards people with mental health problems. Time to Change provided support to
employers to develop an action plan to get employees to talk about mental
health. An action plan for Halton Borough Council
would provide support in a number of key areas, as detailed in the report. It
was proposed that a small working group be established to develop and drive the
Time to Change Employer Pledge action plan. It was noted that an example of
some key actions were set out in Appendix 1, attached to the report. RESOLVED: That 1) the
report be noted; and 2) the
Board approve participation in the Time to Change Employer Pledge. |
Adult Social Care Funding – Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) Allocation 2018/19 PDF 231 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services
on Adult Social Care Funding allocation 2018/19. In the Spring 2017 budget, the Chancellor
announced an additional £2 billion of new funding for Councils in England, over
a three year period to spend on adult social care services. This was recognised
as an important step towards closing the gap in Government funding for adult
social care ahead of the expected publication of the Green paper on future
sustainability of the sector. The report set out details of the proposed allocations for Board
approval, many of which commenced in 2017/18 and were expected to continue into
2018/19. It was reported that due to the short term nature of this additional
funding, the schemes would be kept under review in respect of the outcomes and
financial impact achieved. RESOLVED: That the Board notes the contents of the report and supports
the allocations as outlined in the report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board was advised that following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) – Local System Review (LSR) of Health and Social Care in Halton an Action Plan had been developed. Members received an update on the Action Plan and noted that any ongoing actions were being managed through existing governance structures. RESOLVED: That the contents of the report and associated appendix be noted. |