Venue: Via public remote access (please contact the Clerk named below for instructions)
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2020 having been circulated were signed as a correct record. |
CRF Action Plan in Response to Rapid Increase in COVID-19 Cases PDF 60 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report on the Cheshire Resilience Forum Action Plan in response to a rapid increase in COVID 19 cases. It was noted that all areas of Cheshire had seen an increased incidence of COVID-19 cases in the last week (as at 14th September) with more significant increases being observed in Warrington and Halton. In response to these concerns the Cheshire Resilience Forum had produced an action plan, a copy of which had been previously circulated to the Board. The plan set out a summary of the epidemiological evidence for Cheshire and steps that were being taken now in response to the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases and also what steps were under consideration. The appendix at the back of the action plan provided a more detailed summary of COVID-19 surveillance data for both Cheshire and Merseyside. RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted. |
Minutes: The Board considered a copy of the Mid Mersey Winter Planning document and the 2 local system winter plans which had been derived from local system partnerships of Warrington and Halton and St Helens and Knowsley. On receipt of the plans the Urgent and Care Network and the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership would aggregate the plans up as a Cheshire and Merseyside response. It was recognised within the plan that winter was likely to place unique pressures on the health and care system, COVID-19 remained a concern with seasonal flu and other viruses, seeing an increase in transmissions over the winter period. Additional challenges were set out in the plan that would exacerbate pressures on the health and social care system in Winter 2020/21, increasing demand on usual care as well as limiting surge capacity. These factors had all been considered in the winter plans and mitigations of COVID-19 this winter had substantially changed the local response to that used for previous winter planning and the first wave of infection in Spring 2020. RESOLVED: That the Board 1. Acknowledge the winter planning requirements; and 2. Support the two local system winter plans and the Mid Mersey submission. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, which provided a summary of the impact of the coronavirus on people known to the adult social care mental health services in Halton. The report set out the work of the Mental Health Social Work Services and the Mental Health Outreach Team. It included some of the adjustments to service delivery that had been made as a result of the pandemic. The early indications were that the impact of the coronavirus on people’s mental health and wellbeing in Halton had been considerable, although it would take at least another quarter before this was more fully understood. A further report could be brought to the Board in the near future which would provide more detailed information about referral rates and mental health outcomes in the subsequent quarter. RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the report. |
Lloyds banking update PDF 124 KB Minutes: The Board considered an update on the work of the Lloyds Banking Foundation in Halton. In November 2019. Halton was confirmed as one of the areas supported by the Lloyds Banking Foundation. In early March, colleagues from Lloyds came to Halton for a two day study visit and met with several key Partners. Since then some of the anticipated activities had been impacted by COVID-19 but colleagues from Llloyds had continued to support partners in Halton with: · A small grant and advice to the Halton VCA; · Ringfenced two development grants for Halton charities; · Assisting with the Halton Foundation; and · Information gathering on future initiatives in Halton. RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the work of the Lloyds Foundation in Halton be supported. |
HBC Local Lockdown Emergency Plan to support Shielded, Vulnerable and those Self-Isolating PDF 89 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report that detailed Halton’s Local Lockdown Emergency Plan to support shielded, vulnerable and those self isolating for shielded and vulnerable individuals. The plan had been produced in response to a risk of a local lockdown and the impact on these vulnerable individuals who resided within the Borough. The Authority had developed a suite of Contingency Plans in response to a virus outbreak occurring, copies of which had been shared with the Board. Should the mitigation measures detailed within the Outbreak Plans not be sufficient to reduce the spread of the virus, a Local Lockdown may be required. Therefore, the aim of the plan was to support the individuals and provide guidance for the Authority and partner agencies in response to the lockdown. RESOLVED: That the Emergency Plan be noted. |
One Halton - Update Report PDF 242 KB Minutes: The Board received an update report on work relating to the One Halton Forum, the Integrated Commissioning Group and the Provider Alliance. The report summarised recent initiatives involving NHS Phase Three, Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership, the potential for a Cheshire and Merseyside CCG, the Mersey Thought Session held on 16th September, future One Halton Priorities and One Halton Finance (a budget statement was shared with the Board). RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |