Venue: Karalius Suite, Halton Stadium, Widnes. View directions
Contact: Kim Butler on 0151 5117496 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024 having been circulated were signed as a correct record. |
Sexual Health Services Annual Report 2023/24 Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation and report from the Assistant Divisional Director of Nursing – Sexual Health and HIV, which provided an overview of the Axess Sexual Health Service Halton Annual Report 2023/24 and a copy of this was also attached to the report. Axess was the service commissioned by the Council to provide Halton’s Integrated Sexual Health Service. The annual report highlighted the service’s work and achievements over the past 12 months, key data and benchmarking across all areas of the service, as well as emerging challenges and areas for development. The presentation outlined the services available across the five local authorities; HIV treatment and care for Wirral and Cheshire West & Chester and partnership working with the Wirral Community Trust to provide senior medical staff for leadership and governance of their sexual health services, as well as provision of their electronic patient records and laboratory support. It was noted that services were delivered through three main hubs at Bath Street in Warrington, Widnes Health Resource Centre and Halton Hospital, Runcorn. The presentation also summarised the following key data: · number of patients who had accessed the service during 2023-24; · number of gonorrhoea diagnoses by age group between 2014 and 2023; · number of new diagnoses of infectious syphilis among England residents accessing services between 2014 and 2023; · Halton attendances by age; · Halton positive testings, by age, for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV; · number of implants fitted/renewed in Halton; and · number of intra uterine contraception’s fitted/renewed in Halton. Members of the Board were informed that the largest age group in the North West of England was those between 50-54 years old and 46% of the total population in Halton were over 45 years. Members of the Board noted some examples of future aims to improve the service further: · utilise new opportunities of the Women's Health Hubs to work collaboratively across multiple areas within the Borough; · continue to grow clinical outreach services and attend events, services and care settings to reach these older age groups; · continue partnership working with GP and Pharmacy enhanced services; and · increase ‘walk in’ access/services at better times i.e. evenings/early mornings. Following discussions and arising questions from the Board, it was confirmed that :
RESOLVED: That the Board note the contents of the report. |
Warrington & Halton Integration Programme Minutes: The Board received a report and presentation from the Director of Strategy and Partnerships at Warrington and Halton Hospitals on the Warrington and Halton Integration Programme. It was noted that a £5 million savings target had been set against the Integration Programme by the Integrated Care Board. In order to try and achieve this target, significant opportunities had been identified to improve things for both patients and staff working at the front line. A programme of work had been launched with an aim to deliver integrated and collaborative models of care between Warrington and Halton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Bridgewater Community NHS Foundation Trust. The programme of work contained eight different workstreams and six month deliverables and the details of these were outlined in the presentation. The presentation also provided a summary of progress to date; a strategic case for change; what the priority services were; and the key next steps which included a draft milestone plan. RESOLVED: That the Board note the report. |
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Board considered a report from the Director of Public Health which provided an update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The Board were updated on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which analysed the health needs of the population to inform and guide commissioning of health, well-being and social care services within local authority areas. The JSNA underpinned the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and commissioning plans. The main goal of a JSNA was to assess the health needs of a local population in order to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.
Since the first executive summary of the JSNA in 2012, the approach had continued to receive good feedback from various partnerships and stakeholders. As a consequence, the revised annual summary had used broadly the same approach to provide updated data and information since the previous version. The report set out the key changes since the previous summary and the developments for the JSNA during 2024/25. It was noted that the process for agreeing and developing a work plan for the remainder of 2024/25 and into 2025/26 would be managed in collaboration with key stakeholders and members of the Health and Wellbeing Board. Members of the Board were encouraged to share the JSNA within their respective teams. RESOLVED: That the report be noted and the draft summary document be approved for publication. |
Loneliness and Social Isolation in Halton Minutes: Members of the Board received a report which provided an overview of the results of the One Halton loneliness survey and the outcome of an insight focus group session, with local people of the Borough. The report stated that evidence showed that loneliness could increase the risk of mortality by 26% and was a significant factor for poor mental health and physical health. Evidence also showed that it had a strong association to depression, cognitive decline and dementia, in addition to hypertension and cardiovascular disease risk. Since Spring 2020, loneliness levels in the UK had increased. From October 2020 and February 2021, results from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey showed that people’s perceptions of being lonely increased to 7.2% in the adult population with the equivalent in Halton being 7.4%. Halton Borough Council and One Halton (Ageing Well workstream) commissioned a survey to ask local people about their experience with loneliness. A focus group was then set up from a selection of people who responded to the survey to explore the reasons and risk factors for loneliness in Halton. The report summarised the results and key findings of the survey and focus group, and set out the recommendations for the next steps to help residents of the Borough. The Board noted that Halton had been committed to tackling the underlying issues of loneliness, as identified in the survey, for some time, including the Halton Loneliness Conference in 2019. The Halton Loneliness Steering Group meets bi-monthly and the next four meetings would focus on the priority themes from the survey results and continue to build on the loneliness action plan. Lucy Gardner reported that information and communications about this topic had been a challenge in Warrington and Halton, both for professionals and members of the public. Following discussions it was suggested that it might be worth exploring a virtual hub option, similar to the St. Helens model and Sally Yeoman would be able to offer some advice. It was also suggested that access points in public venues be explored as a means of getting information out to the public. RESOLVED: That the Board note the report and recognise the need for a systemic partnership approach to loneliness in Halton. |
Cost of Living Ahead of Winter Minutes: The Board received a report from the Director of Public Health, which provided an updated on the state of the cost of living crisis compared to last winter and some of the recent policy changes that would impact residents in the coming months. The report provided an overview on: · changes compared to last winter; · fuel price cap changes; · fuel allowance changes; · the Autumn Statement; · the Winter Programme; and · Government support. The Board noted the report and echoed the importance of residents accessing the benefits and support entitled to them. The Board were assured that every effort was made to reach as many peope in the Borough as possible via public events. Halton Housing Trust also had a dedicated welfare benefits team that support their tenants. It was noted that in the last year 900 people were identified as being eligible for pension credit. RESOLVED: That the Board: 1) Endorse the work taking place in Halton; and 2) Note the expected impact of recent policy changes and possible changes following the Autumn Statement. |
Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan 2024/25 - Quarter 1 Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report from
the Executive Director – Adult Services, which provided an update on the Quarter
1 Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan 2024/25, following its submission to the National
Better Care Fund Team in June 2024. In line with the national requirements, the quarter 1 report focussed on reporting on the spend and activity funded via the discharge funding allocated to the local authority and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside (Halton Place). The Board noted that the schemes funded via the discharge funding were: · Oakmeadow Intermediate Care Beds; · Reablement Service; · Halton Intermediate Care and Frailty Services; and ·
Halton Integrated Community Equipment Service. RESOLVED: The Board note the report. |