Agenda item

Commissioning of Post 16 Provision in Halton- KEY DECISION



            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which informed members of the abolition of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) under the Apprenticeship Skills Children and Learning Bill (ACSL) and transfer of statutory duty and powers to Local Authorities from April 2010.


            It was reported that on 1st April 2010, the LSC would be abolished and all functions previously carried out by the LSC with respect to 16 – 19 education and training would transfer either to local authorities or the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA). A number of brand new duties and powers for local authorities would be created.


            It was noted that local authorities would have the central commissioning role for all education and training for young people aged 16 – 19 and up to the age of 25 for those with learning difficulties, and for those people in youth custody aged 10 to 18.


            Members were advised that the Strategic Director for Children and Young People had now assumed lead commissioning responsibility for Post 16 Education and Training in the Borough and sat on the Riverside College Board which was the major provider of post 16 education in Halton. It was noted that this would not be appropriate from 1st April 2010 when the Council would assume statutory commissioning responsibility due to inherent conflict of interest.  The role was recommended to go to the Operational Director – Employment, Economic Regeneration and Business Development.  This would be subject to a suitability interview by Riverside College Board.


            Appended to the report for information were the key responsibilities for partners who were central to the commissioning process. The transferred LSC posts and resources would be fully funded through a Special Purposes Grant along with a contribution towards non employment costs would be made. Key documents that had been published that would support the transition were referred to in the report.


            It was further reported that the 14 – 19 reform programme was a substantial element of the transfer. Details of this transfer were outlined in the report for information.


            Members were further informed of the transition from the LSC to the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) which would be established to take on the post 19 functions of the LSC. It was reported that the SFA would route around £3.5 billion of funding to further education colleges and other providers including the Third Sector, primarily in response to customer (employer and learner) choice on programmes such as Train to Gain. It was further noted that the SFA would operate through three customer focused gateways which were outlined in the report for information.


            The report also set out the Delivery Plan, policy implications and commissioning details.


            The Board discussed the amount of funding provided to ensure every young person was engaged in training or education in terms of whether it was a sufficient amount.  In reply it was noted that the provisions and progress would be monitored closely by the Council. 




            Council assumes responsibility for commissioning of post 16 provision from 1st April 2010. Through commissioning the Council would be able to ensure that a broad range of high quality 14 – 19 pathways was available for all young people. The Strategic Director for Children’s Services would be the  lead commissioner of provision, therefore could not sit on Riverside College Board.




            Statutory Responsibility therefore no other options available.




            1st April 2010.


            RESOLVED: That the Council


1)                 assumes responsibility for commissioning of post 16 provision with effect form 1st April 2010;


2)                 receives LSC staff under TUPE regulations to support post 16  commissioning;


3)                 ensures a holistic approach to planning by reporting on post 16 commissioning to the Local Strategic Partnership and Employment Learning and Skills Strategic Partnership;


4)                 Executive Board receives a report as part of the annual commissioning cycle for post 16 education and training; and


5)                 replaces the Strategic Director for Children and Young People with Operational Director for Employment, Economic Regeneration and  Business on Riverside College Governing body.


Supporting documents: