Agenda item

Halton Health Campus


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which gave information on the progress of Halton Health Campus.


In this respect the Board received a presentation from Eugene Lavan, Director of Strategic Development, Halton and St Helens  Primary Care Trust and Chris Knights, Director of Business Development, Warrington and Halton NHS Foundation Trust which:-


·        Explained the background to the project and that it was set up in five stages, Project Mobilisation, the current site mobilisation, strategic principles for change, the case for change (all completed) and the Outline Business Case (to be confirmed);


·        Highlighted that since the project had been set up two key changes had taken place, the hospital is near to full capacity and there had been a major economic down turn which causes the NHS and its partners to review major commitments.  However, it had been agreed that during the project group that its focus should be more on improving the health of Halton people and what services they needed rather than on buildings and services which had to be on the hospital site;


·        Outlined the current position and the key themes from phase 4;


·        Explained themes, 1, 2 and 4 – the health improving hospital, detecting illness earlier and improving a re-ablement and rehabilitation and that a five tier system would be developed;


·        Demonstrated the five tier pyramid and what Tier five (Local Authority and Third Sector) might look like and the principles and range of services that would be provided;


·        Detailed the issues for discussion and the outcomes for the services;


·        Set out the data for in respect of Theme three, Developing Planned Care Services, the Outpatient attendance at Halton Hospital, day case and elective activity at Halton Hospital from 2006/7 and the activity in the minor injuries unit at Halton Hospital from 2006/7;


·        Highlighted the recent developments – the new Renal Unit, the CANTREAT cancer unit, the CT Scanner and the Intermediate Care Unit; and


·        Set out the future strategy.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        Clarity was sought on how the hospital site would develop itself as an early detection and screening centre with possible on-site leisure and lifestyle services and whether .  It was also suggested that voluntary sector organisations provided advice/courses on healthy cooking and this would contribute to the healthy lifestyle agenda.  In addition, the intergeneration gap could be addressed via such courses.


It was reported that patients when attending outpatient appointments would be given the opportunity to access the health screening service on the Warrington site and if identified further investigation was required this information would be fed back to the GP for action.  It was also reported that patients would be encouraged to use the lifestyle services and the challenge was make them less medicalised and that the services would be as easy as possible for people to access.


·        It was noted that the Renal Unit was excellent and it was also noted that in the current economic climate, directing people to the gym in respect of the healthy lifestyle agenda would prove challenging as services has already been cut.  It was suggested that the removal of car parking fees would be beneficial to people and clarity was sought on whether a parking ticket purchased at Halton Hospital could be used on the Warrington site.


It was reported that there were a range of issues relating to access and how to increase footfall and centralise services.  All such issues were being considered.  In addition, it was reported that car parking tickets purchased in Halton would not be valid on the Warrington site.


·        Clarity was sought on how people without a motor vehicle would be targeted for the Health screening services as they were very often the most vulnerable in the community.


It was reported that a significant number of health screening would be via the GP who would invite patients to have health screening checks.  The hospital sites would also give outpatients the opportunity to have health screening checks.  There would also be a range of options for local people to access such services i.e. in the Pharmacy, via the Roving Teams, the Widnes mobile bus which would give people the opportunity to be checked on the bus.  


·        The importance of ‘following up’ on lifestyle re-habilitation programmes was noted;


·        It was noted that the mobile bus could be developed as a ‘drop in ‘ service with the option to book appointments if required.  It was also noted that it could be possible for a community to arrange for the bus to visit their particular street on a specific date; and


·        It was noted that the Health Campus launch would be sometime in 2010.  It was also noted that the project group, once established, would present the Board with a progress report.



(1)                     the presentation be received;


(2)                     Eugine Lavan and Chris Knights be thanked for their informative presentation; and


(3)                     The update on Halton Health Campus be noted.

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