Agenda item

Safeguarding Adults Board


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which presented the Annual Report of Halton’s Safeguarding Adults Board, for the year 2008/09 and briefed the Members on the key issues and progression of the agenda for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.


The Board was advised of the strategic framework and operation of the multi-agency arrangements for safeguarding adults in Halton who were vulnerable to abuse. The report provided details of work undertaken from April 2008 to March 2009 and summarised priorities and planned activity for the year April 2009 to March 2010. 


The Board was further advised that an additional Detective Inspector post had been created in the northern Public Protection Unit of Cheshire Constabulary, thereby providing a dedicated DI for Halton instead of covering both the Warrington and Halton areas.  A dedicated vulnerable adults officer had also been appointed at Detective Constable level.


It was also reported that a Dignity Co-ordinator had been appointed and that Dwayne Johnson, Strategic Director, Health and Community had been appointed as Chairman of the Safeguarding Adults Board.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        The Board suggested that they receive a copy of the Minutes of the Safeguarding Adults Board;


·        It was noted that Councillor Gerrard had been appointed to the Board and Members were informed to contact Councillor Gerard with any items that they wished to be considered on the agenda;


·        It was noted that all agencies/people that provided any support services to vulnerable adults would be subject to a CRB Check and be subject to regular inspections.  It was also noted that agencies that were providing services on behalf of the Council to support vulnerable people would be subject to a contract, with a detailed specification and the Contract Officer would undertake regular inspections and measure the services against the contract;


·        The issues relating to safeguarding in relation to the Direct Payment Scheme was noted.  In particular, that the Authority emphasised and provided guidance and support to people wishing to participate in the scheme to ensure their safety.  However, it was noted that it was an individuals choice whether they took such advice and liability for any problems in relation to this scheme was with the individual as an employer.  The Authority, recommended that they obtained Liability Insurance to safeguard against such problems;


·        Clarity was sought on the CRB check in relation to foreign nationals;


It was reported that this information would be circulated to all Members of the Board.


·        It was noted that the attendance of the Basic Awareness Course had improved significantly in comparison to previous years;


·        In relation to a plan for provision of a Handyperson scheme to enable minor repairs to be carried out by vetted staff, clarity was sought on whether this was a duplication of service as Age Concern currently provided this service; and


It was reported that information on this matter would be circulated to all Members of the Board.


·        the further development of date collection in respect of reporting and analysis arrangements to implement national reporting requirements and to better inform quality monitoring and service development was noted.


RESOLVED: That the Board note the key issues outlined in the Annual Report of the Safeguarding Adults Board 2008/09.

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