Agenda item



The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which gave Members an update on the work of the Food Safety and Standards Team.


The Board was advised that the Food Safety and Standards Service within the Environment and Regulatory Services Department was responsible for enforcing food safety and standards legislation in the borough’s 1062 plus food premises. These included large manufacturers, restaurants, café’s, canteens, public houses, takeaways, schools and other public buildings. The overall objective of the service was to ensure compliance with food law and thereby prevent incidents of food bourne illness and ensure food complied with compositional and labelling standards. The work of the team was monitored by the Food Standards Agency a non-ministerial Government body who set statutory service standards.


The Board was further advised that the Service used a variety of interventions to monitor and control the standards of food safety in food premises. The most common intervention was to carry out a full inspection. However, other interventions may include sampling and analysis of food stuffs and advisory visits.


In addition, each year the food service carried out approximately 950 interventions in food businesses. Some higher risk businesses would receive more than one intervention in a year as full inspections at higher risk premises were frequently supplemented with regular monitoring visits.  In total 574 full inspections were carried out in 2008-2009.


The Board also received a presentation from Mr Stephen Burrows, Environmental Health which:-


·        Outlined the role of the Environmental Health Food Safety and Standards Team in respect of food hygiene – safety of food, hygiene of premises, food standards – composition, labelling and marketing of food and infectious disease control;


·        Gave details Halton’s Food Businesses;


·        Explained and showed photos of the teams key functions in respect of inspections, complaint investigation, food sampling, training, advice and guidance and food alerts;


·        Set out and explained the percentages in Halton in respect of  National Indicator NI 184 – the percentage of premises compliant with food law;


·        outlined the enforcement challenges and enforcement action that had been taken in the last five years;


·        gave details of collaboration that had taken place with other agencies to address these matters; and


·        set out future opportunities.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        the extensive work the team of undertook to ensure food safety and standards in the Borough was noted.  The Board also took the opportunity to congratulate the team for the excellent work they had undertaken in the Borough to date;


·        the agencies that the department collaborated with was noted;


·        it was noted that there were five people in the team, one for food standards and four undertaking food safety duties;


·        the increase in the number of people having food delivered to the home was noted.  The


·        the difficulties and challenges in identifying and communicating with long distance landlords of properties of food outlets was noted.  The difficulties incurred by the high business and management turnover of the take away food sector was also noted;


·        it was noted that the Authority had achieved 90% in categories A, B and C in respect of food safety in the Borough;


·        clarity was sought on the amount of the fine from a prosecution; and


In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board.


·        It was suggested that the Board receive a presentation at a future meeting on the role of the Health and Safety Team.




(1)                     the report and comments made be noted;


(2)                     the Food Service initiatives to improve the quality of food sold in the Borough and to combat obesity by making it easier for consumers to make healthy choices be supported;


(3)                     the transition to the national ‘scores on the doors’ scheme be supported;


(4)                     that the Board receive a presentation at a future meeting on the role of the Health and Safety Team;


(5)                     Mr Stephen Burrows be thanked for his informative presentation; and


(6)                     The Board congratulate the Environmental Health – Food Safety and Standards Team for the excellent work that has been undertaken to date in the Borough.

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